Kits / Maquettes

Vought f4u 1a corsair 1 vol sepia


  • Allied planes of June, 6, 1944 / Avions Alliés du 6 juin 1944 (12 Kits)

    Flags of Nations of 6 June 1944 (D-Day)

    Usa 1   Royaume unis   Drapeau fafl 1   Canada 1921 1957   Tchecosovaquie   Grece 2   Australie 1  Afrique du sud 3

    Pays bas​        Norvege dr 1    Nouvelle zelande   Danemark       Pologne drapeau       Belgique      Luxembourg  

    Air Forces of 6 June 1944

    USAF                                                                                    RAF

    Usa 1                                                        Royaume unis


    Identification black and white stripes marking

    Bandes debarquement 2      Bandes debarquement

    To note : Countries operating in the RAF during the invasion of Normandy : Free French, Poland, Holland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Norway

    To note : Countries operating in the USAF during the invasion of Normandy : Free French

  • Sharkmouth Kits

    1986 004 506        Casque10

  • Aden/Aden (1 (kit)



                           Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Aden colonie d aden 1937 1945                                                                 Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7


     British Crown Colony of Aden at War since 3 September 1939

  • Afghanistan/Afghanistan (1 Kit)



                           Flag                                                                                                            Markings

    Afghanistan 1                                                                            Afghanistan fin flash1936 svg and neutrality marking     Afghan air force 1937 1947 svg


    Afghanistan has remained globally Neutral throughout the Second World War

  • Alaska Territory/Territoire de l'Alaska (2 Kits)

                                                                                                    Alaska Territory

                          Flag                                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Alaska                                                           Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


                                                                                                 RCAF in Alaska

                           Flag                                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Canada 1921 1957                                                                        Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 7 Raf 5


    Alaska Territory was an Organized Incorporated Territory of the United States until 1959

    RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) under the United States Alaskan Command from June 1942 to May 1944

  • Albania/Albanie (1 Kit)





           Kingdom                     Albanian Kingdom           Albania Provisional                             Albania                            Democratic Government    

          of Albania                          Under Italy              Autonomous Government     Under German Occupation                  of Albania

          1936-1939                         1939-1943                               1943                                        1943-1944                                    1944-1945                 

    Albanie 1 1936 1939 albanian kingdom          Albanie 2 1939 1943 albanian kingdom under italy             Albania provisional autonomous gvt 1943              Albanie 3 1943 1944 german occupation              Albanie 4 democratic gvt of albania 1944 1945         



                                     Italian Occupation                                                                                                German Occupation

                   Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3  Italy 5                              Luftwaffe swastika 1   Allemagne 2   Allemagne 3   Allemagne 4      


    Albania at War since 7 April 1939

    Albania under Italian Occupation from 7 April 1939 to 8 September 1943

    Albania under German Occupation from 8 September 1943 to 29 November 1944

  • Algeria/Algérie (5 Kits)



                                              Flags                                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Indochine kouang tcheou wan indochina    Alerie drapeau de la colonie peu employe gif n 1                                            Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2  Levant  France 6  France 4



                                                                                                               USAAF and RAF in Algeria


                                                 Flags                                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Usa 1  Royaume unis                                            Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa torch 1943  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7


    Algeria at War since 3 September 1939

    USSAF and RAF in Algeria since 8 November 1942 (Operation "Torch") to late 1943

  • Andorra/Andorre


                           Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Andorra                                                                                        No Air Force 1936-1945


                                                                                France in Andorra

                           Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings      

    Drapeau francais                                                                                    Franve 1   France 3


    Andorre remained neutral throughout the war but was under protect of France until 1940

    French military detachment was send in Andorra from 1936 to 1940


  • Angola/Angola

                                                                                     Portuguese Colony of Angola

                          Flag                                                                                                                                                           Marking

    Portugal                                                                                                                        Portugal 2


    Angola remained neutral throughout the War

  • Annam (Indochina) (1 Kit)

    =>Go to France (Indochina)

    Tonkin et annam indochine francaise 1923 1945

  • Argentina/Argentine (1 Kit)



                             Flag                                                                                                                                         Marking

    Argentine 1                                                                                                     Argentine 2


                                                                             Argentina in Royal Air Force

                                      Flags                                                                                                                            Markings

    Argentine 1  Raf flag                                               Raf 2 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Argentina in RAF (164th Argentine-British Sqn) from 6 April 1942 to 3 September 1945

    Argentina officialy at War since 27 March 1945

    To note : The Fellowships of the Bellows was a fundraising organisation active in Latin America during the second world war aimed at raising money to purchase aircraft for the RAF.

    Fellowships of the Bellows : Aircraft purchased went in particular to these squadrons: 193 Sqn, 263 Sqn (See Westland Whirlwind here in the site), 692 Sqn

  • Australia/Australie (19 Kits)



                                                      Flags                                                                                                                                                               Markings        

     Australie    Canada rcaf 1936 1941                                            Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raaf 3 Raaf 4  Raaf 5  Raaf 6




                                                                                                                         USAF in Australia


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                     Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color



                                                                                                         Dutch East Indies Air Force in Australia


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Pays bas                                                                                                          Pays bas 3   Pays bas 4   Raf 2  Raf 3 



    Australia at War since 3 September 1939

    Australia allowed installation of USAF airbases from February 1942 to February 1945

    Dutch East Indies under Royal Australian Air Force Command 1942-1945. (Three squadrons of bombers and fighter planes, mixing Australian and Dutch pilots were included in the Royal Australian Air Force)


  • Austria/Autriche (1 Kit)


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                   Marking

    Autriche 1   Autriche 2                                                                   Autriche


                                                                Union with Germany March 1938 to May 1945

                              Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Allemagne                                                                            Allemagne 2  Allemagne 3 Luftwaffe swastika 1  Allemagne 4


                                                                                      URSS in Austria

                          Flag                                                                                                                                            Markings


    Urss 1                                                                                   Urss 3  Urss 5  Urss 4    


                                                                                  Bulgaria in Austria

                          Flag                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Bulgarie                                                                             Bulgarie 6  Bulgarie 7  Bulgarie 9  Bulgarie 8


                                                                                       USAF in Austria

                          Flag                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                               Usa since august 1943


                                                                           French Air Force in Austria

                          Flag                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Drapeau francais                                                                                      France 2  France 8


                                                                                  RAF in Austria

                            Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Royaume unis                                                                                  Raf 8  Raf 7  Raf 5        


    Austria at War since 1 September 1939

    URSS in Austria from 29 March 1945

    Bulgaria in Austria in April 1945

    USA in Austria from 26 April 1945

    French in Austria from 29 April 1945

    British in Austria from 8 May 1945

  • Azores/Les Açores

                                                                                                            Azores/Les Açores



                                Flag                                                                                                                                                                Markings

    Portugal                                                                                                         Portugal 3  Portugal 2





                                                                                  Lagens (Lajes) Air Force Base utilised by RAF and USAAF


                                                               Flags                                                                                                                                Markings

    Royaume unis  Usa 1                                 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7   Usa since august 1943



    Potuguese Azores remained neutral throughout the War

    British and americans Air Forces authorized to use the Lagens Air Base (Azores) since 1 December 1943

  • Bahamas/Bahamas


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Bahamas 1923 1953 svg                                                                Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8


                                                                                US Naval Air Station in the Bahamas

                        Flag                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Usa 1                                                       Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color                                              


    British Crown Colony of the Bahamas at War from 3 September 1939

    An American seaplane base was built on Great Exuma Island in the Bahamas from 15 May 1942 to June 1945

  • Bahrain/Bahreïn

                                                                                                British Protectorate of Bahrain


                                            Flags                                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Bahrain    Angleterre                                                                    Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 5 Raf 7


      Bahrain at War since 10 September 1939                   

  • Baroda State/ Etat de Baroda (1 Kit)

                                                                                                                 Britih Protectorate of Baroda



                                Flag                                                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Baroda flag svg                                                                                       Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 7 Raf 5


    Baroda State was a principality in South Asia and became a British protectorate in 1800. During the War, Baroda State send Forces to Burma to fight against Japanese.

  • Basutoland/Basutoland

                                                                                               Territory of Basutoland

                                          Flags                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Royaume unis  Sud afrique high commissioner for basutoland the bechuanaland protectorate and swaziland                                  Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Territory of Basutoland at War from 3 September 1939

  • Bechuanaland/Bechuanaland (1 Kit)


                                          Flags                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Royaume unis   Sud afrique high commissioner for basutoland the bechuanaland protectorate and swaziland                         Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Bechuanaland at War from 3 September 1939


  • Belgian Congo/Congo Belge

                                                                                                  Belgian Congo

                                           Flags                                                                                                                           Marking

    Congo belge 1936 1945   Belgique                                                                    Belgique 2


    Belgian Congo at War since 10 May 1940

  • Belgium/Belgique (6 Kits)


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                 Marking

      Belgique                                                                                                          Belgique 2


                                                             Belgium under German Occupation

                       Flag                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Allemagne                                                                              Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                              Free Belgium/Belgian Government-in-Exil (London)

                                    Flags                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Belgique  Royaume unis                                  Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7 Belgique 3


                                                                   Corpo Aereo Italiano in Belgium

                                  Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                                         Italy 3 Italy 5 Italie 3Italie 5




    Belgium at War since 10 May 1940

    Belgium under German Occupation from 10 May 1940 to 4 February 1945

    Corpo Aereo Italiano in Belgium from September 1940 to January 1941


  • Bermuda/Bermudes


                        Flag                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Bermudes                                               Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8


                                                                            US in the Bermuda's Islands

                         Flag                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Usa 1                                       Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    Archipelago of Bermuda's Islands are composed of 123 islands :The main islands are : Bermuda main Island, Saint George's, Saint David's, Somerset.

    Bermuda at War from 3 September 1939

    Saint David's Island, Morgan Island and Tucker's Islands was part of the Lend Leased to the United States where they installed Naval Air Stations from 1941 to 1945.

  • Bolivia/Bolivie (1 kit)


                           Flag                                                                                                                       Marking

    Bolivie 3                                                                                Bolivie 2


    Bolivia at War since 7 April 1943

  • Brazil/Brésil (2 Kits)



                                 Flag                                                                                                                                                                        Markings

                                                                                                                                                                             Army                                                              Navy  (until 1941)               

    Bresil 1                                                 Bresil 6  Bresil 3 Bresil 10  Bresil 5                                   Bresil 3 navy                                   

                                                                                                                                                                                           Expeditionary Force (1943-1945)


                                                                                                                   Bresil 2  Bresil 7  Bresil 9  Bresil 8

    Brazil at War since 22 August 1942

  • British Guiana/Guyanne Britannique

                                                                                 British Guiana

                          Flag                                                                                                                                                             Markings

    British guiana 1919 1955 1                                                                 Raf 5 Raf 2 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8


                                                                            USA in British Guiana

                          Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Usa 1                                                         Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color                                                                                                


    British Guiana at War from 3 September 1939

    British allowed the construction of an US Air Base at Hyde Park (Atkinson Air Base) from June 1941 to the end of the War


  • British Honduras/Honduras Britannique


                                                                                          British Honduras

                           Flag                                                                                                                                                    Markings

    British honduras                                                           Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 7 Raf 5      


    Colony of British Honduras at War since 3 September 1939

  • British Leeward Islands/îles-sous-le-vent Britanniques

                                                                                             Leeward Islands


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                         Markings

    British leeward islands 1871 1956                                                               Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8



                                                                     US Naval Air Station in Leeward Islands (Antigua)


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Usa 1                                                    Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color



    Leeward Islands: British Virgin Islands, Antigua, Barbuda, Montserrat, Saint Kitts, Nevis, Dominica (untill 1940), Anguilla.

    British Leeward Islands at War from 3 September 1939

    US Naval Air Station on Antigua at Crabbs from 21 March 1941 to the end of the War

  • British Winward Islands/îles-du-vent Britanniques

                                                                                                    Winward Islands


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    British windward islands 1903 1953 svg                                                                         Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8


                                                                                               USAAF in Saint Lucia


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Usa 1                                                                  Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color



    Winward Islands: Saint Lucia, Barbados, Dominica (Since 1940), Grenada, Saint-Vincent, Grenadines

    British Winward Islands at War from 3 September 1939

    USAAF installed at Bean Air Force Base (Saint Lucia) from late 1941 to the end of the War


  • Brunei/Brunei


                                                                               British Protectorate of Brunei


                         Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Brunei protectorate of                                                                  Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                            Protectorate of Brunei under Japanese Occupation


                                          Flags                                                                                                                  Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                                   Japon 1   Japon 3



    Brunei at War since 3 September 1939

    Brunei under Japanese Occupation from 16 December 1941 to 10 September 1945




  • Bulgaria/Bulgarie (2 Kits)



                                                  Flags                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Bulgarie      Bulgarie war flag                         Bulgarie 4 Bulgarie 5 Bulgarie 9 Bulgarie 6 Bulgarie 7 Bulgarie 9 Bulgarie 8


                                                                                                       Luftwaffe in Bulgaria


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                                          Allemagne 1  Allemagne 6  Allemagne 4


                                                                                                     USSR in Bulgaria


                       Flag                                                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Urss 1                                                                                                 Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5        



    Bulgaria at War de facto since 19 April 1941 (Invasion of Yugoslavia)

    Bulgaria declared War on Great Britain and USA on 12 December 1941

    Lufwaffe detachment based in Bulgaria from 1941 to 1944 against USSR

    Occupation of Bulgaria by Soviet Union on 8 September 1944

    Bulgaria at war against Germany since 9 September 1944

  • Burma/Birmanie (4 Kits)


                                             Flags                                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Part Of British India            British Burma               British Burma                        

             1936-1937                        1939-1941                      1941-1942                                

    Birmanie 1 1936 1937     Birmanie 2 1939 1941     Birmanie 3 1941 1942            Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 1 Raf 9 Raaf 3


                                                                           First American Volunteer Group (AVG)


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                                                     Marking

    Chine 2                                                                                                                                                      Chine 4



                                                                    Burma under Japanese Occupation (1942-1945)

                                              Flags                                                                                                                                                             Markings

       Birmanie 4 1942 1943   Japon 2                                                                                            Japon 1  Japon 3


                                                                                 10th US Air Force in Burma

                        Flag                                                                                                                                                                                     Marking

    Usa 1                                                                                                                                           Usa since august 1943


                                                                                   State of Burma

                                     Flags                                                                                                                                                                    Marking

               1943-1945                               1945

      Birmanie 5 1943 1945       Birmanie 6 1945                                                                                                    No Air Force 1943-1945



    Burma at War Since 3 September 1939

    First American Volunteer Group (AVG) "Flying Tigers" in Burma from April 1941 to July 1942

    Part of 10th US Air Force in Burma from late 1944 to 1945

    Burma under Japanese Occupation from January 1942 to May 1945

  • Cabinda/Cabinda

                                                                              Protectorate of Cabinda


                           Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Portugal                                                                                      Portugal 3  Portugal 2


    Potuguese Protectorate of Cabinda remained neutral throughout the War

  • Cambodia (Indochina)/Cambodge (Indochine) (2 Kits)

       => Go to France (Indochina)

    Cambodge indochine cambodia under french protection svg

  • Cameroon/Cameroun

                                                                         French Colony of Cameroon


                          Flag                                                                                                                               Markings

    Aef                                                           Franve 1  France 3  France 6  France 4


                                                                         British Colony of cameroon


                          Flag                                                                                                                             Markings

    Cameroun british cameroons flag svg                                             Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7



    French Colony of Cameroon at War since 3 September 1939

    British Colony of Cameroon at War since 3 September 1939

  • Canada/Canada (5 Kits)



                                                              Flags                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Canada 1921 1957      Canada rcaf 1936 1941   Canada rcaf 1940 1946                             Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                                  Royal Norwegian Air Force in Canada


                        Flag                                                                                                                                                                                    Markings                                                       

    Norvege dr 1                                                                                                                Norvege 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7              



    Canada at War Since 10 September 1939

    Norway obtain an agreement to use the Toronto airport on Lake Ontario known as "Little Norway" from November 1940 to February 1945

  • Cape Verde Islands/Iles du Cap Vert

                                                                                          Cape Verde Islands


                                Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Portugal                                                                                                Portugal 3     Portugal 2


    Colony of Cap Verde Islands remained Neutral throughout the War




  • Carolines Islands/Iles Carolines

                                                                                      Carolines Islands


                                           Flags                                                                                                                  Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                              Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                                              Peleliu Island (Palau Islands)


                            Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Usa 1                                                                  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    Carolines Islands are 963. Main islands : Truk, Peleliu, Ulithi...

    Carolines Islands under Japanese Mandat until September 1945

    Carolines Islands at War from 7 December 1941

    Peleliu Island of Palau Islands (Western Carolines) under USA Occupation from 15 September 1944 until end of the War

  • Carpatho-Ukraine/Ruthénie subcarpathique




                           Flag                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Carpatho ukraine                                                                                              No Air Force


                                                                            Hungary in Carpatho-Ukraine


                           Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Hongrie 1940 1946                                                                   Hongrie 3  Hongrie 3    Hongrie 4


                                                                              USSR in Carpatho-Ukraine


                           Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Urss                                                                          Urss 3  Urss 5  Urss 4



    Carpatho-Ukraine proclamed the 15 March 1939

    Carpatho-Ukraine invaded and annexed by Hungary on 18 March 1939 until 28 October 1944

    Carpatho-Ukraine liberated then annexed by Soviet Union on 28 October 1944


  • Ceylon/Ceylan (2 Kits)



                           Flag                                                                                                                                Markings

    Ceylan                                Raf 3     Raf 2     Raf 5     Raf 7     Raf 1 

                                                                                             Raf 14  Raf 10  Raf 12   Raf 13



    Ceylon at War Since 3 September 1939

  • Chile/Chili



                         Flag                                                                                                                                Marking

    Chili                                                                                           Chili 1



    Chile at War Since 11 April 1945

  • China/Chine (Republic of China) (9 Kits)

                                                                                                Republic of China


                             Flag                                                                                                                                                Markings

                                                                                                                                              Chinese Air Force                         Chinese Airline (CNAC)

    Chine 2                                                        Chine 4   Chine navy 1   Chine navy 2                         Cnac 1936 1945



                                                                               China under Japanese Occupation


                                       Flags                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943  Japon 2                                                                Japon 1   Japon 5       



                                                                        First American Volunteer Group (AVG)  


                        Flag                                                                                                                                                      Marking

    Chine 2                                                                                                                  Chine 4                                                



                                                                  USAF (10th Air Force/14th Air Force) in China


                        Flag                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                             Usa may 42 to june 43    Usa since august 1943




    China at War Since 7 July 1937

    China partially occupied by Japan from 7 July 1937 to 9 september 1945

    Formose Island under Japanese Annexation (1936-1945)

    Hainan Island under Japanese Occupation from August 1937 to the end of the War

    First American Volunteer Group (AVG) "Flying Tigers" in China from April 1941 to July 1942

    China Air Task Force (CATF) was subordinate to the 10th Air Force from July 1942 until 19 March 1943 (replaced by the 14th Air Force)

    USAF (part of 10th Air Force then 14th Air Force) in China from Mars 1942 to the end of the War

  • China/Chine (Kwangsi Air Force) (2 Kit)

                                                                           China-Kwangsi Air Force


                         Flag                                                                                                                            Markings

    Chine 2                                                                         Nankin gvt  Chine kwangsi fuselage 2    Chine kwangsi fuselage 1 



    Kwangsi Air Force amalgamated with the Kuomintang forces in July 1937

  • China/Chine (Collaborating Governments)

                                                                                                                 China-Collaborating Governments



                                                                          Flags                                                                                                                                 Markings (Fuselage and Rudder)

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nankin Air Force                 Cochin China Air Force

    Chine collabo 4 chine gvt provisoire republique de chine 1937 1940  Chine collabo 2 chine gvt de shanghai 1937 1938  Chine collabo5 chine mengjiang 1936 1940  Chine collabo3 flag of reformed government of the republic of china svg 1938 1940  Chine collabo 6 flag of the republic of china nanjing peace anti communism national construction 1940 1945            Nankin air force   Chine nanking af rudder                   Chine cochin af   Chine cochin af rudder



    Provisional Government of the Republic of China (1937-1940) Chine collabo 1 chine council of hebei oriental 1935 1937

    Great Way Government (1937-1938) Chine collabo 2 chine gvt de shanghai 1937 1938

    United Autonomous Government of Mengjiang (1936-1945) Chine collabo5 chine mengjiang 1936 1940

    Reformed Government of the Republic of China (1938-1940) Chine collabo3 flag of reformed government of the republic of china svg 1938 1940

    Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China (1940-1945) Chine collabo 6 flag of the republic of china nanjing peace anti communism national construction 1940 1945


    Collaborating Governments at War de facto  since 7 July 1937

    Cochin China Air Force formed in 1940

    Nankin Air Force formed in May 1941

  • China/Chine (Red Army of China) (1 Kit)

                                                                          Red Army of China


                         Flag                                                                                                                                         Markings

                                                                                                                                                   1944                                          1945

                                                                                                                                     (Fuselage ant Tail)

    Chine flag of the chinese communist party svg                                                              Chine red army of china     Chine 4                           Chine red army of china 2



    Red Army of China at War since 7 July 1937

    Red Army of China Air Force since 1944

  • Christmas Island/Ile Christmas

                                                                                            Christmas Island


                             Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Singapore                                                                Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 7


                                                                                 Japanese in Christmas island


                                          Flags                                                                                                                    Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                               Japon 1  Japon 5



    Christmas Island under Administration of Singapore (1936-1942)

    Christmas Island under Japanese Occupation from 31 March 1942 to the end of the War

  • Cochinchine (Indochina) (2 Kits)

      => Go to France (Indochina)

    Cochinchine indochine francaise 1868 1945


  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands/Iles Cocos (Keeling)

                                                                                                           Cocos (Keeling) Islands


                                                  Flags                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Singapore   Ceylan                                                  Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 1

                                                                                                                                                                                               Raf 13    Raf 12    Royaume uni faa 1                                                                                         



    Cocos Islands at War since 3 September 1939

    Cocos Islands incorporated in the settlement of Singapore 1936-1942

    Cocos Islands under the Governor of Ceylon 1942-1945

  • Colombia/Colombie (2 Kits)




                        Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings


    Colombie 1                                                                                Colombie 1    Colombie 2


    Colombia at War since 26 November 1943

  • Costa-Rica/Costa-Rica



                           Flag                                                                                                                                   Marking

    Costa rica 1                                                                          No Air Force 1936-1945


    Costa-Rica at war since 8 December 1941

  • Croatia (Independent State of)/Croatie (Etat Indépendant de) (8 Kits)

                                                                      Independent State of Croatia


                        Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Croatie                                                                              Croatie 2       Croatie 3


    Independent State of Croatia (NDH :Nezavisna Država Hrvatska) at War since 10 April 1941

    End of Independent State of Croatia on May 1945

  • Cuba/Cuba (1 Kit)



                                   Flag                                                                                                                            Marking

    Cuba 1                                                                                 Cuba 2      



                                                                     Guantanamo Bay Naval Air Station


                                 Flag                                                                                                                            Markings

    Usa 1                                 Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color    


    Cuba at War since 8 December 1941

  • Cyprus/Chypre (1Kit)

                                                                          British Crown Colony of Cyprus


                           Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Chypre                                             Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7


    Cyprus at War since 3 September 1939

  • Czechoslovakia/Tchécoslovaquie (3 Kits)



                        Flag                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Tchecosovaquie                                                                                            Czech roundel    Tchecoslovaquie 5     Cz police


                                                                     German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                      Allemagne 3  Allemagne 1  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6     



                                                                     Hungary in Southern Slovakia and Ruthenia


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Hongrie 1940 1946                                                                               Hongrie 3  Hongrie 3    Hongrie 4


                                                                                             Poland in Zaolzie


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                Markings

    Pologne drapeau                                                                                                    Pologne 1    Pologne 2


    Czechoslovakia dismembered in 1938. Remainder of Czechoslovakia invaded in March 1939

    Czechoslovakia Annexed by : - Allemagne Germany (September 1938 (Sudetenland) and March 1939)

                                                                       - Hongrie 1940 1946 Hungary annexed Southern Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia (November 1938) until the end of the War

                                                                       - Pologne drapeau Poland annexed Zaolzie (October 1938) until September 1939

    Independence of Slovak Republic proclaimed the 14 March 1939 (See Slovakia)

    Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia proclaimed the 16 March 1939


                                                                            Czechoslovak Government-in-Exil (London)


                                       Flags                                                                                                                            Markings                                            

    Tchecosovaquie  Royaume unis                      Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 8  Raf 5  Raf 7   Czech roundel  


                                                                     1st Czechoslovak Air Force regiment in the USSR


                                        Flags                                                                                                                         Markings

    Tchecosovaquie  Urss 1                                Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5   Czech roundel


                                                                                      Romania in Czechoslovakia


                            Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Roumanie                                                                                                          Roumanie 4 


    Czechoslovakia at war de facto since 15 March 1939

    Czechoslovak Government-in-Exil recognized 21 July 1940

    Czechoslovakia officially at War since 16 December 1941

    1st Czechoslovak Air Force regiment in the USSR formed on 21 February 1944

    Invasion of Czechosovakia by USSR and Romania on 8 September 1944

  • Denmark/Danemark (3 Kits)



                           Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings


    Danemark                                                                          Danemark 1    Danemark 3  Danemark 4


                                                               Denmark under German Occupation


                        Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Allemagne                                                                  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 1   Allemagne 4   Allemagne 6    


                                               Island of Bornholm (Danemark) under USSR occupation


                      Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Urss 1                                                                     Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5                               


    Denmark at War since 9 April 1940

    Denmark under German Occupation from 9 April 1940 to 5 may 1945

    Island of Bornholm under USSR Occupation from 9 May 1945 to April 1946

  • Dominican Republic/République Dominicaine (1 Kit)

                                                                                                   Dominican Republic


                                                          Flags                                                                                                         Marking

    Republique dominicaine 4       Republique dominicaine 3                                      Republique dominicaine 5


    Dominican Republic at War since 8 December 1941

  • Ecuador/Equateur (1 Kit)



                             Flag                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Equateur                                                                                                 Equateur 2     Equateur 1


                                                                                Baltra US Naval Air Base


                           Flag                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Usa 1                                                             Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    Ecuador at War since 2 February 1945

    Baltra was established as a USAF Air Base since February 1942

    (To note : Ecuador at War with Peru from Summer 1941 to 29 January 1942)

  • Egypt/Egypte (5 Kits)

                                                                                                          Kingdom of Egypt                                  

                                                    Flags                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Egypt 1922 1953   Egyptian air force                                               Egyptian air force roundel 1939 1945 svg Egyptian air force roundel 1945 1958 svg Egyptian 5 Egyptian 3


                                                                                            Egypt Under British Protectorate


                                                   Flags                                                                                                                                   Markings                                                             

    Royaume unis     Raf flag                                Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                                           French Armée de l'Air in Egypt



                             Flag                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Drapeau francais                                                                                                                  Franve 1


                                                                                                       Italian in Egypt


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                                   Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3  Italy 5


                                                                                                  German in Egypt


                             Flag                                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Allemagne                                                                           Allemagne 5 Allemagne 1  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                                                   USAF in Egypt


                               Flag                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Usa 1                                                                           Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943



    A small detachment of French airplanes arrived in Egypt in late June 1940

    Egypt at War de facto since 13 September 1940

    Italian In Egypt from 13 September 1940 to 5 January 1941, 15 June 1941 to 17 December 1941, 22 June 1941 to 11 November 1942

    German in Egypt from 15 June 1941 to 27 November 1941, 22 June 1942 to 11 November 1942

    Egypt allowed the presence of US Air Force on some Airbases from September 1942 to January 1945

    Egypt declare War on Germany and Japan the 24 February 1945

  • El Salvador/Salvador

                                                                                         El Salvador


                         Flag                                                                                                                                      Marking

    El salvador                                                                                                El salvador 1


    El Salvador at War since 8 December 1941

  • Equatorial Guinea/Guinée Equatoriale

                                                                                                                     Equatorial Guinea


                                                          Flags                                                                                                                                   Markings

     Espagne republicaine 3  Espagne nationaliste 2   Espagne nationaliste 3                                             Espagnr nationaliste 4  Espagne nationaliste 5


    Equatorial Guinea under Spanish Republic Administration from July 1936 to October 1936

    Equatorial Guinea remained neutral throughout the War

  • Eritrea/Erythrée (1 Kit)

                                                             Eritrea under Italian East Africa


                            Flag                                                                                                                                Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                    Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3 Italy 5


                                                                  Great Britain in Eritrea


                            Flag                                                                                                                               Markings

    Royaume unis                                             Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Eritrea under Italian East Africa (Africa Orientale Italiana) from 1936 to May 1941

    Colony of Eritrea under Great Britain (British Military Administration) control (1941-1945)

  • Estonia/Estonie (2 Kits)



                          Flag                                                                                                                                         Marking

    Estonie 1                                                                                                 Estonie 1


                                                     Estonia under USSR Occupation and Annexation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Urss                                                  Urrs 1  Urss 7  Urss 2  Urss 4  Urss 3 Urss 5


                                                                Estonia under German Occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Allemagne                                                                      Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 6  Allemagne 4


    Estonia is neutral from september 1939 to June 1940

    Soviet Coup d'état in June 1940. Estonian became Soviet Socialist Republic in August 1940

    Estonia occupied by Germany in June 1941

    Soviet reoccupation in September 1944

  • Ethiopia/Ethiopie (Empire of Ethiopia)

                                                                             Empire of Ethiopia


                         Flag                                                                                                                                      Marking

    Ethiopie                                                                                             900px flag of ethiopia 1991 1996 svg


                                                                                Italy in Ethiopia


                       Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                        Italy 3  Italy 5  Ethiopie 5  Italie 3


                                                                            Great Britain in Ethiopia


                         Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Royaume unis                                                                     Raf 2 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 5


                                                                          Free Belgium in Ethiopia


                        Flag                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Belgique                                                                      Raf 2 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 5

                                                                        Belgian Congo in Ethiopia


                       Flag                                                                                                                                  Marking

    Congo belge 1936 1945                                                                                               Belgique 2


                                                                         Free French in Ethiopia


                        Flag                                                                                                                              Markings

    Drapeau fafl 1                                                                 Franve 1 France 6 France 4 France 5


                                                          British Protectorates and Colonies in Ethiopia


    Somalie british somaliland           British Somaliland

    Afrique du sud 3           South Africa  

    Soudan governor general of the anglo egyptian sudan svg           Sudan                                                                                                             Markings

    Gold coast           Gold Coast                                                             Raf 2 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 5

    Nigeria british colony and protectorate of nigeria           Nigeria

    Rhodesia           South Rhodesia

    Rhodesie du nord           North Rhodesia


    Ethiopia at War since 3 October 1935

    Ethiopia under Italian Occupation from October 1935 to May 1941

    Liberation of Ethiopia by Great Britain, British Protectorates and Colonies, Free Belgium and Belgium Congo, Free French in May 1941

    Declaration of War against Axe on 14 December 1942

  • Ethiopia/Ethiopie (Impero Italiano d'Ethiopia) (2 Kits)

                                                                            Impero Italiano d'Ethiopia

                      Flag                                                                                                                        Markings                                                       

     Impero Italiano d'Ethiopia                                                                                           


    299                                                                             Italy 3  Italie 3  Ethiopie 5     


    Impero Italiano d'Ethiopia (Africa Orientale Italiana) at War from May 1936 to May 1941

  • Fernando Poo Island

                                                                                                                                    Fernando Poo Island


                                                            Flags                                                                                                                                                                     Markings


    Espagne republicaine 3   Espagne nationaliste 4   Espagne nationaliste 2                                                         Espagne republicaine 2  Espagne republicaine 4  Espagne nationaliste  Espagne nationaliste 5  Espagne nationaliste 4  Espagne der 1


    Fernando Poo's colony was officialy Neutral throughout the War

    Fernando Poo's colony authorized the presence of German and Italian Forces during the War (See operation "Postmaster" (January 1942))

  • Fiji (British Crown Colony)/Fiji (Colonie Britannique)

                                                                              British Crown Colony of Fiji Islands


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Fiji british crown colony                                                                                           Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 1


                                                                             Fiji Islands under ANZAC Protection


                                   Flags                                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Australie   Nouvelle zelande                                            Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raaf 4 Raaf 3 New zealand 2 New zeland 2


                                                                              Fiji Islands under US Protection


                                Flag                                                                                                                                                     Markings

           Usa 1                                                                            Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    Fiji are 332 islands. Main island: Viti Levu

    Fiji at War since 3 September 1939

    Fiji Islands are under ANZAC Protection. ANZAC (4th RNZAF and 5th RNZAF) untill June 1942

    Fiji Islands are under US Protection: United States Army Air Force in the South Pacific Area (7th AF and 13th AF) since June 1942 to the end of War

  • Finland/Finlande (22 Kits)



                          Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings

     Finlande 1                                                        Finlande 2   Finlande 3  Finlande 5  Finlande 4


                                                                          Swedish detachment in Finland

                           Flag                                                                                                                              Markings


    Suede                                                          Finlande 2   Finlande 3  Finlande 5  Finlande 4 


                                          Part of territory of Finland under USSR Occupation and Annexation


                         Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Urss 1                                    Urrs 1  Urss 7  Urss 2  Mongolie 3  Urss 4  Urss 5


                                                             Germany in Finland (Detachment Kuhlmey)


                         Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings

     Allemagne                                                                  Allemagne 1  Allemagne 6  Allemagne 4


    Finland at War since 30 November 1939

    Flygflottilj 19 (Swedish)was the Flight Regiment 19, also known as the Swedish Voluntary Air Force or F 19 was a Finnish Air Force unit,manned by Swedish volunteers, which operated from Kemi in northern Finland for the last days of the Winter War

    Territory of Finland ceded to USSR (Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic) on 1940 (After Winter War) then on 1944 (After Continuation War)

    Detachment Kuhlmey was a temporary unit of the German Luftwaffe in Finland from June 1944 to August 1944. The unit was commanded by Oberstleutnant Kurt Kuhlmey

  • France (1936-1940) (68 Kits)

                                                                       France (1936-1940)

                             Flag                                                                                                          Markings                    

    Drapeau francais                                                                         Franve 1   France 3


                                                        France Under German Occupation

                           Flag                                                                                                            Markings

    Allemagne                                                      Allemagne 5  Allemagne 1  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6        


                                                           France under Italian Occupation

                            Flag                                                                                                             Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                           Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3  Italy 5


    France at War since 3 September 1939

    Armistice with Germany and Italy signed the 25 June 1940

    France (North Half) under German Occupation from 10 May 1940 to 8 May 1945

    Part of France (South-East) under Italian Occupation from 25 June 1940 to 8 September 1943, then under German Occupation

    France (South Half) : See France-Vichy

    The entire French Territory Occupied on 8 November 1942 by Germany and Italy

  • France (Vichy) (1940-1944) (18 Kits)



                                 Flag                                                                                                          Markings                                                            Indochina                    Levant          

    Drapeau francais vichy 2                                                  Franve 1   France 3   France vichy 2   France marking              Indochine     Levant


                                                                     Cambodia and Laos under Thailand annexation


                               Flag                                                                                                                                                Markings

    Thailande 1                                                                             Thailande 2   Thailande dr 2   Thailande 3


                                                                                          Fliegerführer in Iraq


                                     Flags                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Allemagne  Italie fasciste  Irak 1                                                    Irak 2  Irak 3


                                                                          France-Vichy under German Occupation


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Allemagne                                                                              Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5 Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


    Vichy (France) de facto at War from 10 July 1940 to 20 August 1944

    Vichy (France) at War against Thailand from October 1940 to 9 May 1941

    Annexation by Thailand of some Provinces from Cambodia and Laos (1941-1945)

    Vichy (France) allowed the transit of airplanes of Fliegerführer Iraq via airbases in Syria (6-29 May 1941)

    Vichy (South of France) occupied by Germany from 8 November 1942 to 20 August 1944

  • France 1944-1945 (4 Kits)



                                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Drapeau francais                                                                                                       Franve 1  France 2      Bandes debarquement 2      Bandes debarquement


                                                                                                                                      Allied in France 1944-1945  


                                                             Flags                                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Usa 1   Royaume unis                                               Usa since august 1943      Raf 5 Raf 8 Raf 7


    The majority of French territory is liberated in September 1944, although the entire territory is liberated on 8 May 1945

    In August 1944, French government allows the Allies to take all necessary measures on his territory for the continuation of military operations against Germany (Many Allied Air Force Bases) (From June 1944 to the end of the War)

  • France-AEF/French Equatorial Africa(Afrique Equatoriale Française) (2 Kits)

                                                                                   French Equatorial Africa


                                      Flags                                                                                                                   Markings

    Drapeau francais  Aef                                                    Franve 1  France 3


                                                                            Free French Equatorial Africa


                                       Flags                                                                                                                Markings

    Drapeau fafl 1  Aef                 Franve 1  France 3  France 6  France 4 France 5  France 2


    French Equatorial Africa (Congo, Gabon, Oubangui-Chari, Tchad and French Cameroon) at War since 3 september 1939

    French Equatorial Africa joined Free France on July 1940

  • France-AOF/French West Africa(Afrique Occidentale Française)

                                                                                               French West Africa


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                Markings

    Drapeau francais  Aof                                                         Franve 1   France 3


                                                                                       French West Africa (Vichy)


                                            Flags                                                                                                                            Markings

    Drapeau francais vichy 2  Aof                                             Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2 


                                                                                     French West Africa (FAFL)


                                            Flags                                                                                                                            Markings

    Drapeau fafl 1  Aof                          Franve 1 France 3 France 6 France 4 France 5 France 2


    French West Africa (Mauritania, Senegal, French Soudan, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Niger, Upper Volta, Togo, Dahomey) at war since 3 September 1939

    French West Africa under France-Vichy rule from June 1940 to June 1943

    French West Africa joined Free France on June 1943

  • France-EFI (Etablissements Français dans l'Inde)

                                                                                                           French India


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Drapeau francais   Drapeau fafl 1                                 Franve 1 France 3 France 6 France 4 France 2


    French India (Pondichéry, Karikal, Yanaon, Mahé, Chandernagor) at War since 3 September 1939

  • France-EFO (Etablissements Français d'Océanie)/French Polynesia

                                                                                                          French Polynesia


                                         Flags                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Drapeau francais  Drapeau fafl 1                                     Franve 1 France 3 France 6 France 4 France 2


                                                                                                   US Air Force at Bora-Bora


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Usa 1                                                            Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    French Polynesia (Archipels of Marquises, Société, Tuamotu, Gambier, Australes) at War since 3 September 1939

    French Polynesia joined Free France on September 1940

    French Polynesia allowed the presence of the USAF (US Air Force) at Bora-Bora from February 1942 to 1945

  • France-FAFL (1940-1945) (13 Kits) correct

                                                                                            France (FAFL)

                          Flag                                                                                                                               Markings

    Drapeau fafl 1                                                  Franve 1  France 3 France 4 France 6 Ffl 1 France 2 France 8   


                                                                        French Government-In-exil (London)

                                               Flags                                                                                                       Markings

    Drapeau fafl 1  Raf flag                  Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7 France 7


    Free French at War since 18 June 1940

    French Government-In-exil 1940-1944

  • France (Indochina) (4 Kits)




                 France                Tonkin /Annam    Cochinchine        Cambodia             Laos          Kouang-Tchéou-Wan

    Indochine kouang tcheou wan indochina         Tonkin et annam indochine francaise 1923 1945        Cochinchine indochine francaise 1868 1945        Cambodge indochine cambodia under french protection svg       Laos drapeau du laos indochine francaise 1893 1953       Indochine kouang tcheou wan indochina



                            Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2   Indochine  Japanflagcircle France marking


                                                              Japan forces in Indochina from 22 September 1940


                                            Flags                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Japan flag12    Japon 2                                                                         Japon 1  Japon 3


    French Indochina de facto at War from July 1937 to September 1945

    French Indochina invaded by Japan the 22 September 1940 until the end of the War in the Pacific

    French Indochina at War with Thailand from 27 November 1940 to 9 May 1941

  • French Guiana/Guyane Française

                                                                                                                                French Guiana



                                                  Flags                                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Guyane francaise   Drapeau francais  Drapeau francais vichy 2  Drapeau fafl 1                                 Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2  France 6  France 5  France 4


    French Guiana declared allegiance to Vichy in July 1940

    French Guiana rallied Free France in March 1943

  • French West Indies/Antilles Françaises

                                                                                                                            French West Indies


                                                         Flags                                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Drapeau francais    France vichy 1    France libre 1                                  Franve 1 France 3 France vichy 2 France 6 France 4 France 5


    French West Indies include 6 islands : Guadeloupe,Martinique,Saint Martin,Saint Barthélemy,Les Saintes,La désirade

    French West Indies at War from 3 September 1939

    French West Indies declared allegiance to Vichy in July 1940

    French West Indies rallied Free France in July 1943

  • Galapagos Islands/Iles Galàpagos

                                                                                                   Galapagos Islands (Ecuador)


                                                   Flags                                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Galapagos islands   Equateur                                                                 Equateur 1 


                                                                                                     USAF in Baltra Island


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                        Usa june 43 to august 43 pacificUsa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    Ecuador at War since 2 February 1945

    Baltra (Galapagos Islands) was established as a USAF Air Base since February 1942

  • Gambia/Gambie



                            Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Gambie                                               Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7                            


                                                                            USAF in Gambia


                           Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                        Usa since august 1943          


    Colony and Protectorate of Gambia at war since 3 September 1939

    Colony and Protectorate of Gambia allowed presence of USMC then USAF in Gambia from 1943 (Airstrip at Yundum-Banjul)


  • Germany/Allemagne (94 Kits)


                             Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Allemagne                                                                         Allemagne 2  Allemagne 3 Luftwaffe swastika 1  Allemagne 4   Allemagne 5    


                                                                             Legion Condor in Spain

                                      Flags                                                                                                                          Markings

    Allemagne   Allemagne legion condor                                                                    Espagnr nationaliste 4  Espagne der 1  Espagne nationaliste 1  Espagne nationaliste 4


                                                                                   Luftwaffe in Irak

                                      Flags                                                                                                                          Markings

    Allemagne  Irak 1                                                                         Irak 3   Irak 2


                                                                    Germany under USSR Occupation

                         Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Urss 1                                                                                   Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5


                                                                    Germany under USA Occupation

                           Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                                     Usa since august 1943


                                                                  Germany under British Occupation

                         Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Royaume unis                                                                                     Raf 8  Raf 5  Raf 7


                                                                 Germany under French Occupation

                          Flag                                                                                                                             Markings

    Drapeau francais                                                                                     Franve 1  France 3  France 2


    Germany  seizes the Territory of Memel (Lithuania) on 22 March 1939

    Participation in the Spanish Civil War. Legion Condor 27 July 1936 to May 1939 (See Spain Nationalist)

    Germany at War since 1 September 1939

    Luftwaffe in Irak (Fliegerfürher Irak) from 11 May 1941 to 29 May 1941

    Germany under USSR Occupation since 13 January 1945

    Germany under USA Occupation since 22 March 1945

    Germany under British Occupation since 23 March 1945

    Germany under French Occupation since 15 April 1945


  • Gibraltar/Gibraltar



                                                Flags                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Gibraltar 1936 1939   Gibraltar 1939 1945                   Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Gibraltar at War since 3 September 1939

  • Gilbert Islands/Iles Gilbert

                                                                            British Colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Gilbert and ellice islands                                                                                            Raf 2Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                          Gilbert Islands under Japanese Occupation


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943  Japon 2                                                                      Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                                              Gilbert Islands under USA presence


                           Flags                                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                             Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color  


    Gilbert and Ellice Islands are 16 Atolls. Main Islands are Tarawa, Tabiteuea, Nonouti, Abemama

    Gilbert and Ellice Islands at War Since 3 September 1939

    Gilbert and Ellice Islands under Japanese Occupation from 24 December 1941 to 23 November 1943

    Gilbert and Ellice Islands under USA forces presence from November 1943

  • Goa / Goa

    => Go to Portugal


  • Gold Coast/Côte de l'Or

                                                                    British Crown Colony of Gold Coast


                          Flag                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Gold coast                                               Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7


    British Crown Colony of Gold Coast at War Since 3 September 1939

  • Greece/Grèce (8 Kits)



                          Flag                                                                                                                                         Marking                                        

      Grece 2                                                                                                       Greece 1919 1931


                                                                                 Royal Air Force in Greece and Crete


                                                  Flags                                                                                                              Markings

    Royaume unis                                                                                   Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 7


                                                                                Greece under German Occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Allemagne                                                                          Allemagne 5 Allemagne 1  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                            Greece under Italian Occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                     Italie 5 Italie 3  Italy 5  Italy 3


                                                                        Greece under Bulgarian Occupation


                            Flag                                                                                                                                  Marking

    Bulgarie                                                                                                Bulgarie 5

                                                                              Greek government-in-exile


                                     Flags                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Grece 2   Royaume unis           Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7   Grece 2 Grece 9 Grece 8


    Greece at War since 28 October 1940

    RAF in Greece and Crete from 14 November 1940 to 1 June 1941

    Greece under German Occupation from 6 April 1941 to May 1945

    Greece under Italian Occupation from April 1941 to 8 September 1943

    Greece under Bulgarian Occupation from 20 April 1941 to October 1944

    Greek government-in-exile from 29 April 1941 to 17 October 1944


  • Guantanamo Bay/ Baie de Guantanamo

                                                                                                             Guantanamo Bay


                                     Flag                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Usa 1                                                  Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    Territorial control of Guantanamo Bay by the United Sates under the 1903 lease at War since 7 December 1941

    Naval Airbase activity during World War Two (Leeward Airfield)

  • Guatemala/Guatemala



                         Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Guatemala 2                                                                          Guatemala 1936 1939     Guatemala 1939 1945


    Guatemala at War since 9 December 1941

  • Haiti/Haïti (1 Kit)



                          Flag                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Haiti 1                                                                                          Haiti 2    Haiti 1943 1971 


    Haiti at War since 8 December 1941

  • Hawai Territory/Territoire d'Hawaï

                                                                                                         Hawai Territory


                        Flag                                                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Hawai 2                                                                Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color      


    Hawai Territory was an Organized Incorporated Territory of the United States until 1959

    Hawai Territory at war since 7th December 1941

  • Honduras/Honduras



                          Flag                                                                                                                                     Marking

    Honduras 2                                                                                                   Honduras 3


    Honduras at War since 8 December 1941

  • Hong Kong/Hong Kong (1 Kit)

                                                                           Hong Kong (1936-1941/1945)


                         Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings                                                                                                    

    Hong kong 1936 1941 et 1945                                                   Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 9 Raf 7 Raf 1            


                                                           Hong Kong under Japanese Occupation (1941-1945)


                                       Flags                                                                                                                     Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943   Japon 2                                          Japon 1  Japon 3


    British Colony of Hong Kong at War since 3 September 1939

    Hong Kong under Japanese Occupation from 25 December 1941 to 15 August 1945

  • Hungary/Hongrie (4 Kits)



                             Flag                                                                                                                                           Markings                

    Hongrie 1940 1946                                                                             Hongrie 3   Hongrie 3     Hongrie 4


                                                                         Hungary under German Occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Allemagne                                                                       Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                          Hungary under USSR Ocupation


                        Flag                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Urss 1                                                                       Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5


                                                                                Bulgaria in Hungary


                          Flag                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Bulgarie                                                                                     Bulgarie 6   Bulgarie 7


    Hungary at War against Slovaquie between 23 March 1939 to 4 April 1939 ("Little War")

    Hungary occupied north of Transylvania (Romania) from 30 August 1940 to 1944

    Hungary at War since 6 April 1941

    Hungary under German Occupation from March 1944 to 4 April 1945

    Hungary under Soviet Occupation from September 1944 to end of the War

    Hungary under Bulgarian Occupation in May 1945

  • Iceland/Islande




                                       Flags                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Islande 1936 1944   Islande 1944 1945                                                          No Air Force 1936-1945


                                                                                     Iceland under British Occupation



                            Flag                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Royaume unis                                                                            Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7          


                                                             Iceland under USA Occupation (Naval Air Station at Keflavik)



                         Flag                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Usa 1                                                       Usa 1939 1941 neutrality patrol  Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943


    Iceland at War since 9 April 1940

    Iceland under British Occupation (10 May 40 to 7 July 1941)

    Iceland under USA Occupation (7 July 1941 to 1945)

  • India/Inde (3 Kits)



                       Flag                                                                                                                                                                      Markings

     Inde britannique 1                                                                                  Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 7  Raaf 3


                                                                           India under Japanese Occupation (Imphal and Kohima)


                                            Flags                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                                                       Japon 1 Japon 5


                                                                                                       USAF in India


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                      Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943


    India at War since 3 September 1939

    Indian Adaman and Nicobar Islands under Japanese Occupation from 23 March 1942 to 7 October 1945

    Part of 10th, 14th and 20th US Air Force in India from 1942 to the End of the War

    Indian battles of Imphal (8 March to 3 July 1944) and Kohima (4 April to 22 June 1944)

  • Indonesia/Indonésie



                        Flag                                                                                                                      Marking

    Indonesie                                           No Air Force on August-September 1945


    Indonesia Independance on 17 August 1945 two days after the surrender of the japanese Forces in the Pacific



  • Iran/Iran (1 Kit)




                          Flag                                                                                                                                                 Marking

    Iran 1                                                                                                                Iran 2


                                                                                     Iran under USSR Occupation


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Urss 1                                                              Mongolie 2 Urss 2 Urss 6 Urss 3 Urss 4 Urss 5


                                                                                   Iran under British Occupation


                                          Flags                                                                                                                            Markings

    Royaume unis  Inde britannique 1                        Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                             Iran under Australian Occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Australie                                                        Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Iran at War Since 25 August 1941

    Iran under USSR, British and Australia Occupation from 25 August 1941 until the end of the War

  • Iraq/Irak (1 Kit)



                             Flag                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Irak 1                                                                                                   Irak 2   Irak 3


                                                                                  Royal Air Force in Iraq


                                                   Flags                                                                                                                      Markings

    Royaume unis  Raf flag                                 Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                         Fliegerführer Irak (German and Italian)


                                                 Flags                                                                                                                     Markings

    Irak 1   Allemagne  Italie fasciste                                      Irak 2   Irak 3


    RAF in Iraq from 1936 to 1945 (RAF Iraq Command then Air Headquarters Iraq) in two Airbases : Habbaniya and Shaïbah.

    Iraq at War since 2 May 1941

    German in Iraq from 10 May 1941 to 29 May 1941 (Fliegerführer Irak)

    Italian in Iraq from 25 May 1941 to 29 May 1941 (Under Fliegführer Irak)

  • Ireland/Irelande



                        Flag                                                                                                                            Markings

    Irelande                                                                  Irelande 1  Irelande 2


    Ireland neutral throughout the War

  • Italia Fascista/Italie Fasciste (33 Kits)

                                                                             Italia Fascista


                         Flag                                                                                                                             Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                    Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3  Italy 5


                                                                 Aviazione Legionaria in Spain


                          Flag                                                                                                                          Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                     Espagne nationaliste 1  Espagnr nationaliste 4


                                                                  Squadriglia Speciale Iraq


                          Flag                                                                                                                      Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                   Irak 3   Irak 2


                                                                    Great Britain in Italy


                           Flag                                                                                                                    Markings

    Royaume unis                                                       Raf 5  Raf 8  Raf 7


                                                                        USAF in Italy


                          Flag                                                                                                                   Markings

    Usa 1                                                                     Usa since august 1943



    Italia at War since 3 October 1935 (Ethiopia)

    Participation in Spanish Civil War. Aviazione Legionaria from 30 July 1936 to 10 June 1939 (See Spain Nationalist)

    145a Squadriglia (Squadriglia Speciale Iraq) under Fliegerfürher in Iraq (Mai 1941)

    During operation "Corkscrew" the islands of Pantelleria, Lampedusa and Linosa were invaded on June 11, 1943 by the English as a prelude to operation "Husky", the invasion of Sicily. Marghani airfield (Pantelleria ) received the 27th Fighter-Bomber group for a few months. Then Great Britain joins USA during the Invasion of Sicily (10th July 1943).

    Great Britain in Italy from 11th June 1943 (Operation "Corkscrew") to the end of the War.

    USAF in Italy from 10th July 1943 (Operation 'Husky") until the end of the War

  • Italia/Italie (Repubblica Sociale Italiana (RSI)) (1 Kit)

                                                                                  Repubblica Sociale Italiana


                                           Flags                                                                                                                    Markings of ANR (Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana)

    Italie republique sociale italienne 1943 1945       Italy rsi 4                                                          Italie rsi 2  Italie rsi 6  Italie rsi 2  Italie rsi 3      Italy rsi 3


    Repubblica Sociale Italiana at War since 23 September 1943

  • Italia/Italie (Aeronautica Cobelligerante Italiana (ACI)) (2 Kits)

                                                                              Italia Cobelligerente


                        Flag                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Italie 1                                                                           Italie 2  Italian cobelligerant


                                                                                 USAF in Italy


                         Flag                                                                                                                                Marking

    Usa 1                                                                                      Usa since august 1943


                                                                    RAF and Dominion in Italy


                          Flags                                                                                                                            Markings

    Royaume unis                                                               Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Australie  Canada 1921 1957  Gold coast


                                                                    French Air Forces in Italy


                                Flags                                                                                                                     Markings

    Drapeau francais  Drapeau fafl 1                                                        France 2  France 8



                                                                Balkan Air Force (HQ at Bari)


    Italy co-belligerent  Italie 1                                                                                Italie 2  Italian cobelligerant

    Greece                        Grece 2                                                                    Raf 8  Raf 7  Raf 5  Grece 2 

    Poland                        Pologne 4                                                                               Urss 3  Pologne 1

    South-Africa             Afrique du sud 3                                                                                 Saaf 9  Saaf 8

    United-Kingdom    Royaume unis                                                                             Raf 8  Raf 7  Raf 5      

    USA                           Usa 1                                                                                   Usa since august 1943

    USSR                        Urss                                                                        Urss 5  Mongolie 3  Urss 4

    Yugoslavia                Yougoslavie 1943 1946 democratic federal yugoslavia                                                                                 Yougoslavie partisans  Yougoslavie 1                     


    Aeronautica Cobelligerante Italiana at War since October 1943

    USAF in Italy from 11th June 1943 to September 1945

    RAF, RAAF, RCAF, RAF(Gold Coast) in Italy from July 1943 to September 1945

    French Air Forces in Italy from December 1943 to 1945

    In August 1944, a formation of Yakovlev 9DD from 236 IAD flew to Bari (Italy) to provide support to Yugoslav Partisans

    Balkan Air Force (BAF) in Italy from 7 June 1944 to 15 July 1945 (Countries: Italy Co-belligerent, Greece, Poland, South-Africa, United-Kingdom, USA, USSR, Yugoslavia)

  • Italian East Africa/Afrique Orientale Italienne (2 Kits)

    => Go to Eritrea

    => Go to Ethiopia

    => Go to Jubaland

    => Go to Somalia Italian

     Italie fasciste

  • Italian Islands of the Aegean/Iles Italiennes de l'Egée (1 Kit)

                                                                  Italian Islands of the Aegean / Isole Italiane dell'Egeo


                                          Flags                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Italie fasciste      Rhodes                                                                          Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3   Italy 5


                                                                            Allies in the Dodecanese Campaign


                                         Flags                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Angleterre  Afrique du sud 3  Grece 2  Pologne drapeau                                       Raf 5 Raf 8 Raf 7 Saaf 7 Saaf 9 Grece 2 Grece 8


                                                                     Aegean Islands under German Occupation


                                    Flag                                                                                                                                                   Markings

        Allemagne                                                                       Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 6  Allemagne 4



    Italian Islands of the Aegean under Kingdom of Italy's rule from 1936 untill September 1943

    (Islands : Rhodes, Patmos, Leipsoi, Kalymnos, Kos, Astypalaia, Nisyros, Symi, Tilos, Halki, Karpathos, Kasos, Megisti)

    Allies (UK, South Africa, Greece, Poland) try to take control of some islands of the Dodecanese (Battle of Leros and Kos) 8 September to 22 November 1943

    To note : Megisti (Kastellorizo) was the only island to be occupied by UK and under British administration until the end of the War

    Islands of the Aegean under Germany Occupation from September 1943 to the end of the War

  • Italian Somalia/Somalie Italienne (2 Kits)

                                                                             Italian Somalia


                             Flag                                                                                                                               Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                      Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3  Italy 5


                                                   Italian Somalia under Great Britain Occupation


                             Flag                                                                                                                             Markings

    Royaume unis                                                 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Italian Somalia at War from 10 June 1940

    Italian Somalia under Great Britain Occupation from May 1941 to the end of the War

  • Jamaica/Jamaïque


                          Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Jamaique                                                    Raf 2 Raf 7 Raf 5 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8


                                                                                USAAF in Jamaica

                          Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Usa 1                                        Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color     


    British Colony of Jamaica at War from 3 September 1939

    Britain gave the United States the right to build air bases in Jamaica (Vernam Field AB from 14 June 1941 to the end of the War)

  • Japan/Japon (50 Kits)



                                                  Flags                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                            Japon 1   Japon 3 Japon 10


                                                                                    Japanese Surrender Markings

                                                                         (From 15 August 1945 to the End of the War)


                                                   Flags                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                               Japon 9  Japon 8  Japon 7


                                                                           Japanese Islands under USA Occupation


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                                  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color                                         


    Japan at War since 7 July 1937

    Islands of Marshall, Carolines, Mariannes, Palau, Iwo Jima and Okinawa under USA Occupation (1943-1945)

  • Jubaland/Jubaland (2 Kits)



                            Flag                                                                                                                        Markings

    Italie fasciste                                               Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3   Italy 5


                                                                          Great Britain in Jubaland


                            Flag                                                                                                                      Markings

    Royaume unis                                       Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Jubaland at War since 10 June 1940

    Jubaland under Great Britain Administration from May 1941 to the end of the War

  • Kenya/Kenya (1 Kit)

                                                                    Colony and Protectorate of Kenya


                           Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Kenya colony and protectorate                                             Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7


    Kenya at War since 3 September 1939

  • Korea/Corée

                                                                     Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea

                                                       Korean Liberation Army Under SEAC (South East Asia Command)


                                            Flags                                                                                                                             Markings

    Coree provisional government of the republic of korea 1   Seac south east asia command svg                  Raf 1  Raaf 4  Usa since august 1943


                                                                                     Korea Under Japanese Rule   


                                               Flags                                                                                                                    Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                          Japon 1  Japon 3


    Korea under Japanese Occupation since 22 August 1910

    Korean Liberation Army created on 17 September 1940

    Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea at War since 10 December 1941

  • Kouang-Tchéou-Wan (Indochina) (1 Kit)

    => Go to France (Indochina)

    Drapeau francais

  • Labuan/Labuan

                                                                 Crown Colony of Labuan


                           Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Labuan crown colony of labuan                                                    Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                            Labuan under Japanese Occupation


                                          Flags                                                                                                             Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943  Japon 2                                 Japon 1  Japon 5


    Labuan at War since 3 September 1939

    Labuan under Japanese Occupation from 15 December 1941 until 10 September 1945

  • Laos/Laos (Indochina) (1 Kit)

    => Go to France (Indochina)

    Laos drapeau du laos indochine francaise 1893 1953




  • Latvia/Lettonie (1 Kit)



                          Flag                                                                                                                 Markings

    Lettonie                                                                Lettonie 1   Lv af roundel 1939


                                                   Latvia under USSR Occupation and annexation


                          Flag                                                                                                                Markings

    Urss 1                            Urrs 1  Mongolie 2  Urss 2  Urss 4 Urss 3 Urss 5


                                                               Latvia under German Occupation


                           Flag                                                                                                              Markings

    Allemagne                                   Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5 Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6



    Latvia is neutral from 1st September 1939 to 17 June 1940

    Soviet Coup d'état in June 1940. Latvia became Soviet Socialist Republic on 5 August 1940

    Latvia occupied by Germany in June 1941

    Soviet reoccupation on 31 October 1944

  • La Reunion Island/Ile de la Réunion

                                                                                                        La Reunion


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Drapeau francais  Drapeau fafl 1                               Franve 1 France 3 France 6 France 4 France 2


                                                                                            La Reunion under Vichy


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    France vichy 1                                                                                                     Franve 1  France 3


    La Reunion at War since 3 September 1939

    La Reunion under Vichy rule from June 1940 to November 1942

    La Reunion joined Free France on 28 November 1942

  • Lebanon/Liban (4 Kits)

                                                                  Lebanon under French Mandat


                              Flag                                                                                                                      Markings


    Liban gd liban 1936 1943                               Franve 1  France 3   Levant     France 6  France 4



                           Flag                                                                                                                      Markings

    Liban 1943 1945 1                                                               No Air Force 1943-1945



    Lebanon under French Mandate at War since 3 September 1939

    Lebanon Independent on 22 November 1943

    Lebanon declared War against Germany and Japan on 26 February 1945

  • Liberia/Liberia



                            Flag                                                                                                                               Marking

    Liberia 1                                                                              No Air Force 1936-1945


    Liberia at War since 27 January 1944

  • Libya/Libya (2 Kits)

                                                                                      Italian Colony of Libya


                            Flag                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                      Italie 5 Italie 3  Italy 3  Italy 5


                                                            Libya under British Occupation and Administration


                              Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Royaume unis                                                 Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                    Libya (Fezzan) under French Occupation and Administration


                                     Flags                                                                                                                             Markings

    France libre 1  Libya fezzan flag of fezzan ghadames french administration                                   Franve 1 France 3 France 6 France 4 France 2


                                                                                          German in Libya


                             Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Allemagne                                                             Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5 Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                South Africa Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force in Libya


                                         Flags                                                                                                                           Markings

    Afrique du sud air force 1940 1951  Raf flag                    Saaf 6 Saaf 7 Saaf 8 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7         


                                                                                       USAF in Libya


                          Flag                                                                                                                                          Marking

    Usa 1                                                                                                     Usa may 42 to june 43


    Italian Libya at War since 10 June 1940

    German in Libya from 12 February 1941 to 4 february 1943

    British in Italian Libya from Autumn 1940 to 1945

    French in Italian Libya from December 1940 to 1945

    USAF (340th BG) in Libya from October 1942 to April 1943

    Allied in Libya from 1940 to 1943 : India, Southern Rhodesia, Autralia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Free French, Poland, Greece, Czechosovakia     

  • Liechtenstein/Liechtenstein



                          Flag                                                                                                                          Marking

    Liechtenstein                                                                      No Air Force in 1936-1945


    Liechtenstein remained Neutral during the War

  • Lithuania/Lituanie (3 Kits)



                           Flag                                                                                                                                    Marking   


    Lithuanie 1                                                                                                    Lituania

                                                       Lithuania under USSR Occupation and Annexation


                      Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Urss                                               Urrs 1  Mongolie 2  Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5  


                                                                 Lithuania under Germany occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Allemagne                                                          Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5 Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6



    Lithuania is forced to accept the cession of the Territory of Memel to Germany on 22 March 1939

    Lithuania is neutral from 1st September 1939 to 15 June 1940

    Soviet Coup d'état in June 1940. Lithuania became Soviet Socialist Republic on 21 July 1940

    Lithuania occupied by Germany in June 1941

    Soviet reoccupation of Lithuania in Summer 1944

  • Luxembourg/Luxembourg



                           Flag                                                                                                                        Marking

    Luxembourg 1                                                                         No Air Force 1936-1945


    Luxembourg maintained neutral throughout the War

    Luxembourg annexed by Germany 1940-1944

    Luxembourgish government-In-Exile in London neutral

    Numerous Volunteers Luxembourgers fought in Allied Armies

  • Macau/Macao (1 Kit)



                           Flag                                                                                                                                             Marking

    Portugal                                                                                                        Portugal 2    


                                                          Pacific Portuguese Islands under Japanese Occupation


                                        Flags                                                                                                                             Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943  Japon 2                                                      Japon 1 Japon 5                                                                 


    Macau remained neutral throughout the War

    Lapa, Dom Joao and Montanha Islands under Japanese Occupation from late 1941 to September 1945

  • Madras Presidency/Madras

                                                                                Madras Presidency


                           Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Madras presidency 1                                                  Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 7  Raaf 3


    See also India

    Madras Presidency at War since 3 September 1939

    264th (Madras) Squadron from 8 December 1939 to 25 August 1945


  • Madagascar/Madagascar (1 Kit)



                              Flag                                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Madagascar                                                        Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2   France marking  France 6 France 4


                                                                                  RAF in Madagascar


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Royaume unis                                                                                      Raf 8  Raf 5  Raf 7   


                                                                                 SAAF in Madagascar


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Afrique du sud 3                                                                                      Saaf 6  Saaf 7  Saaf 8


    Madagascar and Dependences : Mayotte, Anjouan, Grande Comore, Mohéli, Glorieuses Islands, Bassas da India, Europa Island, Juan de Nova Island, Terre Adélie, Amsterdam Island, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands, Saint-Paul Island

    Madagascar at War since 3 September 1939

    Royal Air Force and South African Air Force in Madagascar from 5 May 1942 to 14 December 1942 (Operation "Ironclad")

  • Malaya (British Malaya)/Malaisie Britannique

                                                                                                   British Malaya


                                              Flags                                                                                                                          Markings

    Malaisie  Royaume unis                     Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                                Malaya under Japanese Occupation


                                             Flags                                                                                                                        Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                              Japon 1  Japon 3


    Malaya under British Rule (1936-1941)

    Malaya under Japanese occupation from (8 December 1941 - 2 September 1945)

  • Malta/Malte (3 Kits)




                                                                        Flags                                                                                                                      Markings                        

    Malta 1 1936 a 1943    Malta 2 1943 a 1945                                               Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 8  Raf 5  Raf 7


                                                                                                                         United States in Malta



                                            Flag                                                                                                                                                 Markings


    Usa 1                                                                                                                 Usa torch 1943   Usa may 42 to june 43


                                                                                                              Australia and South Africa in Malta



                                                                 Flags                                                                                                                         Markings

    Australie      Afrique du sud 3                                    Raf 8  Raf 5      Saaf 9  Saaf 7                 


    Malta at War since 6 September 1939

    Presence of USAF units in malta before the invasion of sicily (Operation Husky in July 1943)

    Some RAAF and SAAF squadrons were briefly stationed on the island of malta before the invasion of sicily in july 43

  • Manchukuo/Manchoukouo (2 Kits)



                        Flag                                                                                                                    Markings (Air Force and Air Transport company)

    Mandchoukouo 1                                                                                           Manchukuo 1      Manchukuo 2   Manchuoukuo 2


                                                                                      Japan in Manchukuo


                                           Flags                                                                                                                               Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                                            Japon 1  Japon 5



                                                                           Manchukuo under Soviet Occupation


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Urss 1                                                                         Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5


    Manchukuo, established in 1932 by Japan, at War since 7 July 1937

    Battle of Khalkhin Gol between Japan and USSR from 11 May 1939 to 16 September 1939

    URSS declares war to Japan on 8 August 1945 and subsequently invaded Manchukuo

  • Marcus Island/Ile Marcus

                                                                     Marcus Island (Minami-Tori-Shima)

                                           Flags                                                                                                   Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                                 Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                               Marcus Island under US occupation

                        Flag                                                                                                                       Markings

    Usa 1                                                                            Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    Marcus Island at War from 7 December 1941

    Marcus Island under USA Occupation since 12 May 1945

  • Mariana Islands/Iles Mariannes (1 Kit)

                                                                               Northern Mariana Islands (1936-1944)


                                                     Flags                                                                                                                       Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                                             Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                                           Guam Island (1936-1941 and 1944-1945)


                                  Flag                                                                                                                                          Markings

     Usa 1                                                                 Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


                                                                                   Guam Island (1941-1944)


                                          Flags                                                                                                                               Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                                      Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                                        Northern Mariana Islands (1944-1945)


                            Flag                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Usa 1                                                                          Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    Mariana's Islands are 15. Main Islands are Guam, Saipan, Tinian, Rota

    Northern Mariana Islands are under Japanese Mandat until July 1944 (date of USA Occupation)

    Northern Mariana Islands at War from 7 December 1941

    Guam was under USA administration until 8 December 1941 (Japanese Occupation) and from July 1944 (Liberation of the Island)

    Guam at War from 7 december 1941

    Guam was under Japanese Occupation from 8 July 1941 to July 1944

    Northern Mariana Islands was under USA administration from July 1944

  • Marshall Islands/Iles Marshall

                                                                                   Marshall Islands


                                          Flags                                                                                                                   Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                               Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                               Marshall Islands under US Occupation


                           Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Usa 1                                                                 Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    Marshall Islands: 30 atolls (1100 Islands). Main islands are: Eniwetok, Kwajalein, Bikini, Majuro.

    Marshall Islands under Japanese Mandat until 23 February 1944

    Marshall Islands at War from 7 December 1941

    Marshall Islands under USA Occupation from 23 February 1944 until the end of the War

  • Mauritius/Ile Maurice

                                                                                                              Colony of Mauritius


                              Flag                                                                                                                                                                                Markings                                                                                                                     

    Mauritius                                                                                    Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 1

                                                                                                                                                                                      Raf 13   Raf 12   Royaume uni faa 1



    British Colony of Mauritius at War since 3 September 1939

    Diego Garcia Island is a depencie of Colony of Mauritius

    Chagos Archipelago are dependencies of Colony of Mauritius

    British opened a RAF station in Diego Garcia from 1942 to the end of the War

  • Midway Islands/ Iles Midway

                                                                                        Midway Islands


                          Flag                                                                                                                                             Markings                                                  

    Usa 1


                                         Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    Midway Islands was an unincorporated territory of the United States of America

    Midway Islands at War from 7th December 1941






  • Mexico/Mexique (1 Kit)



                         Flag                                                                                                                      Markings

    Mexique 1                                                                  Mexique 2    Usa since august 1943


    The Mexican Republic supported the Spanish Republicans during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

    Mexico at War since 22 May 1942

    201st Fighter Squadron (Mexico) attached to the 58th Fighter Group in Philippines in 1945


  • Monaco/Monaco



                            Flag                                                                                                                       Marking

    Monaco                                                                      No Air Force 1936-1945


    Monaco remain to be neutral throughout the War although it was invaded by Italy (November 1942) then Germany (September 1943)

  • Mongolia/Mongolie (2 Kits)



                                                        Flags                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Mongolie republique populaire mongole 1924 1940 1      Mongolie republique populaire mongole 1940 1992 1                                      Mongolie 1      Mongolie 2   Mongolie 3


    Mongolia at War since 7 July 1937

    Battle of Khalkhin Gol from 11 May 1939 to 16 September 1939

    Mongolia declared War against Japan on 10 August 1945 and took part in the Invasion of Manchukuo

  • Montenegro/Montenegro

                                                                                                       Montenegro under Kingdom of Yugoslavia


                                                 Flags                                                                                                                                                                           Marking

    Yougoslavie 4   Yougoslavie war flag                                                                                                            Yougoslavie 19301941


                                                                                                                 Governatorato del Montenegro


                       Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Governatorato del montenegro 1                                                                                                                              Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3  Italy 5


                                                                                                        Montenegro under German occupation



                       Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                                                         Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                                                   Montenegro under Yugoslavian Partisans


                      Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                  Marking

    Yougoslav partisans 1942 1945                                                                                                                                                             Yougoslavie partisans


    Montenegro inside of Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1936-1941)

    Governatorato del Montenegro created under Italian Fascist control from October 1941 to September 1943

    Montenegro under German control from September 1943 to December 1944

    Montenegro liberated by Yugoslavian Partisans in December 1944

  • Morocco (France)/Maroc Français (3 Kits)

                                                                                                         French Morocco


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Maroc drapeau du protectorat francais au maroc 1919 1946                                                           Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2  France 6  France 4  France 2


                                                                                    USAAF and RAF in French Morocco


                                                     Flags                                                                                                                          Markings

    Usa 1  Royaume unis                                   Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa torch 1943


    Morocco at War since 3 September 1939

    USSAF and RAF in French Morocco since 8 November 1942 (Operation "Torch") to late 1943

  • Morocco (Spain)/Maroc Espagnol (2 Kits)

                                                                                                                Spanish Morocco


                                                        Flags                                                                                                                           Markings

    Maroc espagnol 2    Maroc espagnol 3    Maroc espagnol 1            Espagnr nationaliste 4  Espagne nationaliste 6  Ethiopie 5  Espagne nationaliste 1  Espagne nationaliste 5


    Moroccan Spanish at War from 18 July 1936 to 1 April 1939 and then remained neutral throughout the War

  • Mozambique/Mozambique

                                                                                  Portuguese Mozambique


                          Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Portugal                                                                                    Portugal 2  Portugal 3


    Portuguese Mozambique remained neutral throughout the War

  • Nauru/Nauru



                                           Flags                                                                                                                             Markings

    Royaume unis  Australie                               Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 7


                                                                                Nauru under Japanese Occupation


                                           Flags                                                                                                                            Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                                 Japon 1  Japon 3


    Nauru under British and Australia Rule

    Nauru under Japanese Occupation (26 August 1942 - 13 September 1945)

  • Nepal/Nepal



                   Flag                                                                                                                     Marking

    Nepal 1                                                No Air Force 1936-1945


    Nepal at War since 4 September 1939

    To note : Almost 200 000 soldiers of Nepal (Gurkha) served in British Army during World War Two

  • Netherlands/Pays-Bas (5 Kits)



                        Flag                                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Pays bas                                                                                                         Pays bas 1    Pays bas 3


                                                                           Netherlands under German Occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                     Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5 Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                                       Dutch Government-in-Exile


                                        Flags                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Pays bas   Royaume unis                                Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7  Pays bas 3


                                                                                     USAAF and RAF in Netherlands


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Usa 1  Royaume unis                                   Usa since august 1943  Raf 8  Raf 5  Raf 7


    Netherlands at War since 10 May 1940

    USAAF and RAF in Netherlands from 17 September 1944 (operation "Market-Garden") to late 1945    

  • Netherlands/Dutch East Indies/Indes Néerlandaises (9 Kits)

                                                                                        Dutch East Indies


                          Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Pays bas                                                   Pays bas 1  Pays bas 3   Pays bas 4   Ml knil 1


                                                                    Dutch East Indies under Japanese Occupation


                                           Flags                                                                                                                 Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943  Japon 2                                           Japon 1  Japon 3


    Netherlands at War since 10 May 1940

    Dutch East Indies under Japan Occupation from 16 December 1941 to 16 August 1945

    Dutch East Indies under Royal Australian Air Force Command 1942-1945. (Three squadrons of bombers and fighter planes, mixing Australian and Dutch pilots were included in the Royal Australian Air Force)

  • Netherlands Antilles/Dutch West Indies/Antilles Néerlandaises

                                                                                            Netherlands Antilles


                            Flag                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Pays bas                                                                                               Pays bas 1   Pays bas 3


                                                                                   French in Netherlands Antilles


                           Flag                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Drapeau francais                                                                                              Franve 1  France 3


                                                                                British in Netherlands Antilles


                            Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Royaume unis                                                                    Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8


                                                                               USA in Netherlands Antilles


                           Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Usa 1                                                       Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    Islands of Netherlands Antilles: Bovenwindse Eilanden (Saint-Martin, Saint-Eustache, Saba) and Benedenwindse Eilanden (Bonaire, Curaçao, Klein Bonaire, Klein Curaçao, Aruba)

    Netherlands Antilles at War from 10 May 1940

    French forces in Netherlands Antilles from 11 May 1940 to 25 June 1940 (French Armistice)

    British forces in Netherlands Antilles from 13 May 1940 to the end of the War

    USA forces in Netherlands Antilles from January 1942 to October 1945 (USAF 6th Air Force in Curaçao (Hato Airport) and Aruba (Dakota Airport))


  • Netherlands Guiana/Dutch West Indies/Guyane Néerlandaise

                                                                                        Netherlands Guiana


                           Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Pays bas                                                                                       Pays bas 1  Pays bas 3


                                                                         USA and British in Netherlands Guiana


                                 Flags                                                                                                                            Markings


    Usa 1                                                                              Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943


    Angleterre                                                                               Raf 5 Raf 2 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8                                                     


    Netherlands Guiana at War from 10 May 1940

    Netherlands Guiana under USA and British guardianship from November 1941 to the end of the War

  • Newfoundland and Labrador (Dominion)/Terre-Neuve et Labrador (Dominion)

                                                                                            Newfoundland and Labrador


                         Flags                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Newfoundland                                                                                            Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7



                                                 Permanent Joint Board on Defence to protect the western hemisphere (Canada)


                        Flag                                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Canada 1921 1957                                                                                             Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 5  Raf 7       


                                                  Permanent Joint Board on Defence to protect the western hemisphere (USA)


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    Newfoundland at War since 4 September 1939

    Permanent Joint Board on Defence to protect the western hemisphere established by the USA and Canada on 17 August 1940 until the end of the War

    RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) Station Gander activated in Newfoundland from early 1940 to the end of the War

    Stephenville US Air Force Base installed in Newfoundland (Stephenville) since 1941 until the end of the War


  • New Caledonia (French Colony of)/Nouvelle Calédonie

                                                                                                       New Caledonia


                                         Flags                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Drapeau francais  Drapeau fafl 1                                 Franve 1 France 3 France 6 France 4 France 2


                                                                                              USAF in New Caledonia


                             Flag                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Usa 1                                                                         Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943              


    New Caledonia at War since 3 September 1939

    New Caledonia joined the Free France on 19 September 1940

    New Caledonia allowed the presence of USAF 1942-1944

  • New Guinea (Dutch)/Nouvelle Guinée Hollandaise

    => Go to Netherlands/Dutch East Indies

    Pays bas

  • New Hebrides Condominium/Condominium des Nouvelles-Hébrides

                                                                                                     New Hebrides


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Nouvelles hebrides new hebrides condominium                                                Franve 1 France 3 Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 5 Raf 14


                                                                                          USAF in New Hebrides


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Usa 1                                                          Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color        


                                                                                        RNZAF in New Hebrides


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Nouvelle zelande                                             Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7 Rnzaf 3 New zealand 4 New zeland 2



    New Hebrides at War since 3 September 1939

    New Hebrides under British rule from June 1940 to September 1945

    New Hebrides allowed the presence of USAF (United States Army Air Forces in the South Pacific Area) 1942-1945

    New Hebrides allowed the presence of RNZAF (Royal New Zealand Air force) 1942-1944

  • New Zealand/Nouvelle Zélande (2 Kits)

                                                                                   New Zealand


                      Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Nouvelle zelande                                         Raf 2   Raf 3   Raf 5   Raf 7  Rnzaf 3  Rnzaf 2

                                                                                                    New zealand 2    New zeland 2   New zealand 4


    New Zealand at War since 5 September 1939

  • Nicaragua/Nicaragua



                          Flag                                                                                                                            Markings

    Nicaragua 1                                                                          Nicaragua 2   Roumanie 4


    Nicaragua at War since 11 December 1941

  • Nigeria/Nigeria



                            Flag                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Nigeria british colony and protectorate of nigeria                                                       Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    British Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria at war since 3 September 1939

  • North Borneo/Bornéo du Nord

                                                                Protectorate of North Borneo (1936-1941)                  

                          Flag                                                                                                                             Markings                                               

    Borneo du nord                                                          Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 7


                                                               North Borneo under Japanese Occupation


                                             Flags                                                                                                         Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                   Japon 1  Japon 5


    North Borneo at War since 3 September 1939

    North Borneo invaded by Japan on 15 December 1941 and under occupation until 10 September 1945

  • Norway/Norvège (4 Kits)



                      Flag                                                                                                                                                                             Marking

    Norvege dr 1                                                                                                                                      Norvege 2


                                                                                              Norway under German Occupation


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                                Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5 Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                                                      Norway Government-in-Exil


                                Flags                                                                                                                                                            Markings

      Norvege dr 1   Canada 1921 1957                                                           Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 5 Raf 7 Norvege 2   


                                                                                      Norway (Finnmark) under USSR Occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Urss 1                                                                                                  Urss 2  Mongolie 3  Urss 4  Urss 5


                                                                                                        USAF in Norway


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                                                         Usa since august 1943


    Norway at War since 9 April 1940

    Norway under German Occupation from 9 April 1940 to 8 May 1945

    Norway (Finnmark Territory) under Soviet Union Occupation from 23 October 1944 to 25 September 1945

    Royal Norwegian Air Force training camp in Southern Ontario during the War called "Little Norway" (November 1940 to February 1945)

    Norwegian Police troops trained in Sweden are transported by USAF planes from Sweden to Norway (Finnmark) in early 1945

  • Norway/Norvège (Hirdens Flykorps)

                                                                                                Norway-Hirdens Flykorps


                                                            Flags                                                                                                                     Marking

    Norvege dr 1    Norvege 2    Norvege 3                            Norvege 4


    Hirdens Flykorps created in March 1942

  • Nyasaland/Nyasaland (1 Kit)

                                                                               Protectorate of Nyasaland


                           Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Nyasaland protectorate 1919 1964                                    Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Protectorate of Nyasaland at War from 3 September 1939

  • Oman/Oman



                            Flag                                                                                                                                        Marking

    Oman muscat                                                                                     No Air Force 1936-1945


                                                          RAF in Oman (Masirah and Ras Al-Hadd RAF Stations)


                                               Flags                                                                                                                    Markings

    Royaume unis  Raf flag                           Raf 4  Raf 8  Raf 5  Raf 7


    Sultan of Oman at War since 10 Septembre 1939

    Sultan of Oman provides facilities for the installation of RAF bases (1943-1945)



  • Palestine/Palestine (2 Kits)



                            Flag                                                                                                        Markings

    Palestine mandate ensign 1927 1948 svg                               Raf 2   Raf 3   Raf 5   Raf 7


                                                                          USAAF in Palestine


                           Flag                                                                                                       Markings

    Usa 1                                                                 Usa may 42 to june 43



    Palestine at War since 3 September 1939

    Some USAAF Ninth Air Force bomber units used airfield in Palestine (August-November 1942) : 98th BG (343th and 344th BS)

  • Panama/Panama



                            Flag                                                                                                                                                Marking

    Panama                                                                                                No Air Force 1936-1945


                                                                                     Panama under Protection of USA


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                Markings

      Usa 1                                                                     Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color 


                                                                                 Panama under Protection of Columbia


                          Flag                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Colombie 1                                                                                                    Colombie 1  Colombie 2


    Panama at War since 13 December 1941     

    Coco Solo was an US Naval Air base and served as a Naval Aviation Facility during the War

    Aguadulce Army Airfield used for the defense of Panama Canal from 1 April 1941 to the end of the War

  • Papua-New Guinea/Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée (10 Kits)

                                                                                                    Papua-New Guinea


                                          Flags                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Papouasie 1  Papouasie 2                        Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raaf 4 Raaf 3


                                                                              Papua-New Guinea under Japanese Occupation


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                                     Japon 1  Japon 5


    Papua-New Guinea at War since 7 December 1941

    Papua-New Guinea under Australian rule until December 1941 (Invasion of Japan)

    Papua-New Guinea under Japanese Occupation from December 1941 to 4 October 1944

    Papua-New Guinea return to Australian Administration on October 1944

  • Paraguay/Paraguay



                                 Flag (Obverse and Reverse)                                                                                        Marking

    Paraguay obverse    Paraguay reverse                                            Paraguay 1     


    Paraguay at War since 2 February 1945

    Many Paraguayans joined the Brazilian Air Force during the War

  • Peru/Pérou (1 Kit)



                                                      Flags                                                                                                                        Markings

    Perou 1    Perou flag of the peruvian air force                                            Perou 2   Perou 5


                                                                                   US Air Base at Talara field


                      Flag                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943


    Peru at War since 2 February 1945

    USA opened an Air Base near Talara in North West of Peru on 8 March 1942

    (To note : Peru at War with Ecuador from Summer 1941 to 29 January 1942)

  • Philippines/Philippines (6 Kits)



                                                     Flags                                                                                                                                                Markings                                                                         

                              Philippines                         United States Military Government                

    Commonwealth        2nd Republic                   of the Philippine Islands

    1936 to 1942              1943 to 1944                      1936 to 1942-1945                                                      

    Philippines 2        Philippines 1942 1944                    Usa 1                          Philippines roundel old Philippines roundel old 1941        Usa until may 42  Usa since august 1943


                                                                                        Philippines under Japanese Occupation


                                               Flags                                                                                                                                                Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943   Japon 2                                                                      Japon 3   Japon 1


                                                                                                   Mexico in Philippines


                        Flag                                                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Mexique 1                                                                                                                  Mexique 2   Usa since august 1943


    Philippines at War since 8 December 1941

    Philippines under Japanese Occupation from 8 May 1942 to 5 July 1945

    201st Fighter Squadron (Mexico) attached to the US 58th Fighter Group in Philippines from 30 April 1945 to the end of the War

  • Poland/Pologne (8 Kits)



                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Pologne drapeau                                                                                                                                                           Pologne 1     Pologne 2


                                                                                                  Poland Under German Occupation

                             Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                                                                   Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                                                Poland under Slovakia Occupation


                                                 Flags                                                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Slovaquie 4  Slovaquie 3                                                           Slovaquie 11 Slovaquie 7 Slovaquie 12 Slovaquie 10       Allemagne 5                     


                                                                                          Poland under USSR Occupation (1939-1941)


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Urss 1                                                                                                                                            Urrs 1   Mongolie 2   Urss 2          


                                                                                         Polish Government-in-Exil (Paris then Angers)


                                         Flags                                                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Pologne drapeau  Drapeau francais                                                                                                                   Franve 1   Pologne 1


                                                                                                      Polish Government-in-Exil (London)


                                                               Flags                                                                                                                                                                Markings

    Pologne 3  Polish airforce in britain 1940   Royaume unis                 Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 8  Raf 5  Raf 7    Pologne 1


                                                                                      Polish Republic under USSR domination (1944-1945)


                                                          Flags                                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Pologne 4  Pologne 5  Urss 1                       Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5   Pologne 1


    Poland at War since 1 September 1939

    Poland under German Occupation from 1 September 1939 to May 1945

    Poland under Slovakia occupation from 1 September 1939 until 20 May 1945 (Part of Poland from 1920 and from 1938, was given to Slovakia)

    Poland under USSR Occupation from 17 September 1939 until June 1941 then from July 1944 to end of the War

  • Portugal/Portugal (2 Kits)



                          Flag                                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Portugal                                                                                                           Portugal 2   Portugal 3


                                                                Lagens (Lajes) Air Force Base utilised by RAF and USAAF


                                            Flags                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Royaume unis  Usa 1                                            Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7   Usa since august 1943



    Portugal supported Spanish Nationalist Forces during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

    Portugal remained to be neutral throughout the Second World War

    British and americans Air Forces authorized to use the Lagens Air Base (Azores) since 1 December 1943

    To Note Portugal Overseas Territories : Macau, Goa, East Timor, Portuguese Mozambique, Portuguese Timor, Portuguese Guinea


  • Portuguese Guinea/Guinée Portugaise

                                                                                     Portuguese Guinea


                           Flag                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Portugal                                                                                     Portugal 2  Portugal 3


    Portuguese Guinea remained neutral throughout the War

  • Portuguese Timor/Timor Portugais

                                                                                                                         Portuguese Timor

                         Flag                                                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Portugal                                                                                                                                            Portugal 2   Portugal 3



                                                                                                    Portuguese Timor under Allied Occupation


                                                     Flags                                                                                                                                                              Markings

    Royaume unis  Australie  Pays bas                                               Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raaf 4 Pays bas 3



                                                                                               Portuguese Timor under Japanese Occupation


                                         Flags                                                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943  Japon 2                                                                                                   Japon 1  Japon 3                   



    Portuguese Timor occupied by British, Australian and Dutch force in December 1941 until 10 February 1942

    Portuguese Timor under Japanese Occupation from 19 February 1942 to 5 September 1945

  • Puerto Rico

                                                                                                                         Puerto Rico


                                         Flags                                                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Puerto rico 1895 1952   Puerto rico flag of the united states 1912 1959 svg                                   Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    Puerto Rico under US Annexation at War from 7 December 1941

  • Rhodes/Rhodes

    => Go to Italian Islands of the Aegean

    Italie fasciste               Rhodes



  • Rhodesia (Northern Rhodesia)/Rhodésie (1 Kit)

                                                                                  Northern Rhodesia


                           Flag                                                                                                                             Markings

    Rhodesie du nord                                    Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Northern Rhodesia at War from 3 September 1939

  • Rhodesia (Southern Rhodesia)/Rhodésie (2 Kits)

                                                                                   Southern Rodhesia


                          Flags                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Rhodesia                                     Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7 


    Southern Rhodesia at War since 3 September 1939

  • Romania/Roumanie (4 Kits)



                       Flag                                                                                                                           Markings

    Roumanie                                      Roumanie 4  Roumanie 7  Roumanie 6   Roumanie 5  Roumanie 5



                                                                              Luftwaffe in Romania


                         Flag                                                                                                                       Markings

    Allemagne                                          Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                     Romania under USSR Occupation


                         Flag                                                                                                                     Markings

    Urss 1                                             Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5


                                                           Transylvania under Hungarian occupation


                          Flag                                                                                                                  Markings

    Hongrie 1940 1946                                      Hongrie 3    Hongrie 3     Hongrie 4                            



    Romania Provinces of Bessarabia and Bukovina under USSR Occupation from 28 June 1940 to 22 June 1941

    North of Transylvania occupied by Hungary from 30 August 1940 to August 1944

    German troops in Romania from 7 October 1940 to 24 October 1944

    Romania at War since 22 June 1941 (Invasion of USSR)

    Romania under Soviet Occupation from April 1944 to the end of the War

    Romania at War against Germany and Hungary on 23 August 1944

  • Ruanda-Urundi/Ruanda-Urundi



                            Flag                                                                                                         Marking

    Belgique                                                                        Belgique 2


    Ruanda-Urundi under Belgian Mandat (1936-1945)

    Ruanda-Urundi at War since 10 May 1940

  • Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

                                                                                                  Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

                                           Flags                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Drapeau francais  Drapeau fafl 1                                       Franve 1 France 3 France 6 France 4 France 2


                                                                                          Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (Vichy)


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                             Markings

    France vichy 1                                                                                                              Franve 1  France 3


    Saint-Pierre et Miquelon at War since 3 september 1939

    Saint-Pierre et Miquelon under Vichy rule from June 1940 to December 1941

    Saint-Pierre et Miquelon joined Free France on December 1941

  • Sakhaline/Sakhaline



                                           Flags                                                                                                               Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                         Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                                                    Sakhaline under USSR

                           Flag                                                                                                                              Markings

    Urss 1                                                           Urss 2  Urss 3  Urss 4  Urss 5


    South Sakhaline under Japanese Administration at War since 7 December 1941

    South Sakhaline under USSR Occupation since 11 August 1945

  • Samoa (American)/ Samoa (Etats Unis)

                                                                                           American Samoa



                                  Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings

    Usa 1                                          Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


    American Samoa is an unincorporated territory of the United States at War from 7 December 1941

    American Samoa consists of five main islands and two coral atolls

  • Samoa (British)/Samoa (Britannique)


                              Flag                                                                                                                              Markings

    Samoa                                                                        No Air Force 1936-1945           


                                                                Samoa under New-Zealand Administration

                             Flag                                                                                                                               Markings                                                                                                                              

    Nouvelle zelande                     Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 5  Raf 7  New zealand 2  New zeland 2     


    Samoa at War Since 5 September 1939

    Samoa sent troops to fight with New Zealand

  • San Marino/San Marin

                                                                            San Marino


                            Flag                                                                                                         Marking

    San marino                                                       No Air Force in 1936-1945


    San Marino maintained its neutrality throughout the War in spite of the fighting that took place between belligerents in September 1944 within its borders (17-20September 1944)

  • Sao Tome and Principe/Sao Tomé et Principe

                                                                                   Sao Tome and Principe


                             Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Portugal                                                                                           Portugal 3   Portugal 2


    Portuguese colony of Sao Tome and Principe remained Neutral throughout the War

  • Sarawak/Sarawak

                                                                          British Protectorate of Kingdom of sarawak


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Sarawak british protectorate                                                                                         Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3


                                                                             Sarawak under Japanese Occupation


                                           Flags                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Birmanie 4 1942 1943  Japon 2                                                                   Japon 1  Japon 5


    Sarawak at War since 3 September 1939

    Sarawak under Japanese Occupation from 15 December 1941 until 10 September 1945

  • Saudi Arabia/Arabie Saoudite

                                                                                                                        Saudi Arabia


                                                                   Flags                                                                                                                                          Marking

    Arabie saoudite 1936 1938  Arabie saoudite 1938 1945  Arabie saoudite ensign                                     Arabie saoudite


    Saudi Arabia de facto at War since September 1939 although officially neutral

    Saudi Arabia officially at War since 28 February 1945

  • Seychelles/Seychelles



                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Seychelles                                                                                      Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 1                                                                                                                                                                                  Raf 13   Raf 12  Royaume uni faa 1


    Crown Colony of Seychelles at War from 3 September 1939

  • Sierra Leone/Sierra Leone

                                                             British Colony and Protectorat of Sierra Leone


                          Flag                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Sierra leone 1916 1961                                                Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Sierra Leone at war since 3 September 1939

  • Singapore/Singapour

                                                                                       British Crown Colony of Singapore


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Singapore                                                                                                      Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                                  Singapore under Japanese Occupation

                                         Flags                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                                                                  Japon 1  Japon 3


    Singapore at War since 3 September 1939

    Singapore occupied by Japan from February 1942 to September 1945

    Christmas Island under Singapore Rule was occupied by Japan from March 1942 to the end of the War

  • Slovakia/Slovaquie (Slovak Republic) (3 Kits)



                                                 Flags                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Slovaquie 4     Slovaquie 3                                Slovaquie 11  Slovaquie 7  Slovaquie 12  Slovaquie 10


                                                                                      Slovakia under Hungarian Occupation


                              Flag                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Hongrie 1940 1946                                                                          Hongrie 3 Hongrie 3  Hongrie 4


                                                                                                      USSR in Slovakia


                              Flag                                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Urss                                                                                     Urss 3  Urss 5   Urss 4


    Slovakia independent since the 14 March 1939

    Slovakia at War against Hungary between 23 March 1939 to 4 April 1939 ("Little war")

    Oriental Slovakia (Carpathian Ruthenia) under Hungarian Occupation from 4 April 1939

    Slovakia entered Second World War on 1 September 1939 (Against Poland)

    Slovakia invaded by Soviet Union on 4 April 1945

  • Slovakia/Slovaquie (Insurrectionary Aviation)

                                                                     Slovakia Insurrectionary Aviation


                       Flag                                                                                                                                      Marking               

    Tchecosovaquie                                                                                                Slovaquie 13


    Insurrectionary Aviation in action since 29 August 1944

  • Solomon Islands British Protectorate/Protectorat Britannique des Iles Salomons (2 Kits)

                                                                          Solomon Islands British Protectorate


                           Flag                                                                                                                               Markings

    Salomons                                                         Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                  Solomon Islands under Japanese Occupation


                                           Flags                                                                                                           Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                     Japon 1  Japon 5    


    Solomon Islands British Protectorate (Australian rule) at War since 3 September 1939

    Solomon Islands British Protectorate until April 1942 and after November 1943 (Liberation of the Islands)

    Solomon Islands under Japanese Occupation from April 1942 to November 1943

  • Somaliland (French Somaliland)/Djibouti

                                                                                                      French Somaliland


                                        Flags                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Drapeau francais  Drapeau fafl 1                                    Franve 1  France 3  France 6  France 4  France 2


    French Somaliland at War since 3 Septembder 1939

    French Somaliland joined the Free France since November 1942


  • Somaliland (British Protectorate)/Somalie Britannique (Protectorat Britannique)

                                                                                          British Somaliland


                              Flag                                                                                                                                    Markings

    Somalie british somaliland                                         Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


                                                                   British Somaliland under Italian Occupation


                             Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                           Italie 3 Italie 5 Italy 3  Italy 5




    British Somaliland at War from 3 Sptember 1939

    British Somaliland under Italian Occupation from 16 August 1940 to 16 Mars 1941


  • South Africa/Afrique du Sud (2 Kits)

                                                                                                                                South Africa


                                                  Flags                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Afrique du sud 3     Afrique du sud air force 1940 1951                      Raf 3 Raf 8 Raf 5 Saaf 1 Saaf 6 Saaf 9 Saaf 7 Saaf 8


    South Africa at War since 6 September 1939

    To note : South-West Africa was under South Africa mandat from 1920 and during all the Second World War

  • South-West Africa/Sud-Ouest Africain

    => Go To South-Africa

    Afrique du sud 3

  • Spain (Nationalist)/Espagne Nationaliste (9 Kits)



                                                                Flags                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Espagne nationaliste 2   Espagne nationaliste 3   Espagne nationaliste 4                            Espagne nationaliste 1  Ethiopie 5  Espagne nationaliste 6  Espagne nationaliste 8  

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Espagne der 1  Espagne nationaliste 5  Espagnr nationaliste 4   Espagne nationaliste 5


    Nationalist Spain at War during Civil War from 18 July 1936 to 1 April 1939

    Spain remain, in theory, neutral during Second Worl War

    Spain send volunteers on Russian front (Division "Azul" 1941-1943)

  • Spain (Republic)/Espagne Républicaine (7 Kits)



                                                 Flags                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Espagne republicaine 3    Espagne republicaine 1                                    Espagne republicaine 2    Espagne republicaine 4     Espagne nationaliste


    Spanish Republic at War during Civil War from 18 july 1936 to 1 april 1939

  • Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian Condominium)/Soudan (1 Kit)



                                      Flags                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Egypt 1922 1953   Royaume unis                          Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 5 Raf 7

               Soudan governor general of the anglo egyptian sudan svg


    Sudan at War since Summer 1940

  • Swaziland/Swaziland

                                                                                                  Protectorate of Swaziland


                                          Flags                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Royaume unis   Sud afrique high commissioner for basutoland the bechuanaland protectorate and swaziland                             Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Protectorate of Swaziland at War from 3 September 1939

  • Sweden/Suède (4 Kits)


                         Flag                                                                                                                                        Marking

    Suede                                                                                           Suede 2    Suede 1


                                                                              Swedish Volunteer Corps


                         Flag                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Suede                                                                                 Finlande 2  Finlande 3  Finlande 5


                                                                                    USAF in Sweden


                          Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings


    Usa 1                                                                                            Usa since august 1943


    Sweden maintained neutrality throughout the war

    Swedish Volunteers (Swedish Volunteer Corps) participed in the Winter war with Finland (30 November 1939-13 March 1940)

    Swedish Volunteers participed in the Continuation War (22 June 1941)

    Sweden participates in the training of Norwegian and Danish troops

    Norwegian Police troops trained in Sweden are transported by USAF planes from Sweden to Norway (Finnmark) in early 1945


  • Switzerland/Suisse (2 Kits)



                           Flag                                                                                                                             Markings

    Suisse                                          Suisse 3      Suisse 2    Suisse jaune   Suisse 1   


    Switzerland remained neutral troughout the War although many planes of the belligerents were shot down by Swiss fighters for violating Swiss air space

  • Syria (Under French Mandate)/Syrie (Sous Mandat Français) (2 Kits)



                                                                   Flags                                                                                                                      Markings

               Syria                               Druzes           Latakia             Hatay

    Syrie    Syrie etat des druzes 1921 1936 2  Syrie etat alaouite puis sandjak de lattaquie 1925 1937 2  Syrie republique du hatay 1937 1939 1           Franve 1  France 3  Levant  France vichy 2  France marking  France 4  France 6


                                                                                                        Fliegerfürher Irak


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Irak 1                                                                                                           Irak 2   Irak 3



    The Territory of Hatay was under French Mandat until 23 July 1939 (Then has been ceded to Turkey)

    Syria at war since 3 September 1939

    French (Vichy) allowed the transit of airplanes (German and Italian) of Fliegerführer Irak via airbases in Syria (6-29 May 1941)

    Free French Airforce (FAFL) in Syria since June 1941

  • Taiwan/Taïwan



                                           Flags                                                                                                                               Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                                       Japon 1  Japon 3


    Taiwan under Japanese Rule from 1936 to the end of the War

  • Tanganyika/Tanganyika



                                         Flags                                                                                                                         Markings

    Tanganyka 1  Tanganyka 2                       Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Tanganyika at War from 3 september 1939



  • Tannu-Tuva/Tannou-Touva

                                                                                                           Republic of Tannu-Tuva


                                                                 Flags                                                                                                                               Marking

                    1936-1941                           1941-1943                       1943-1944

    Tannou touva republique populaire de 1936 1942  Tannou touva republique populaire de 1941 1944  Tannou touva republique populaire de 1943 1945                                 Marking Unknown


                                                                                              Tuva Autonomous Oblast (1944-1945)


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Urss 1                                                                                                                     Urss 2    Urss 3


    Tannou-Touva at War since 25 June 1941

    Tannou-Touva annexed by Soviet Union on 11 October 1944

  • Thailand-Siam/Thaïlande-Siam (5 Kits)



                          Flag                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Thailande 1                                                                     Thailande 2   Thailande dr 2   Thailande 3                


                                                                            Japan in Thailand (1941-1945)


                                        Flags                                                                                                                            Markings

    Japan flag12  Japon 2                                                   Japon 1  Japon 3


    Thailand at War since October 1940

    Thailand at War against France (Vichy) from October 1940 to 9 May 1941

    Thailand invaded by Japan on 8 december 1941 and still present until end of the War

  • Togoland/British Togo

                                                                                       British Togoland


                          Flag                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Togoland                                        Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    British Togoland under Great britain Mandat (1936-1945)


  • Tonga/Tonga



                            Flag                                                                                                                         Marking

    Tonga 1                                                                      No Air Force 1936-1945


                                                             US Air Force base (Tongatubu Airfield)


                          Flag                                                                                                                         Markings

    Usa 1                                                    Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa june 43 to august 43  Usa since august 1943


                                                                RNZAF base (Tongatubu Airfield)


                           Flag                                                                                                                        Markings

    Nouvelle zelande                                   Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 5 Raf 7 New zealand 2 New zeland 2


    Tonga de Facto at War from 3 September 1939

    Tonga officially at War since 8 December 1941

    USAAF in Tonga since 16 May 1942

    Royal New Zealand Air Force in Tonga since 23 October 1942

  • Tonkin (Indochina) (2 Kits)

     => Go to France (Indochina)

    Tonkin et annam indochine francaise 1923 1945

  • Transjordan (Emirate of) (British Protectorate)/Transjordanie

                                                                                   Emirate of Transjordan (British Protectorate)


                                             Flags                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Transjordanie   Royaume unis                     Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Transjordan at War since 3 September 1939

  • Trinidad and Tobago/Trinité et Tobago

                                                                                         Trinidad and Tobago


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Trinidad and tobago                                                          Raf 2 Raf 5 Raf 7 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8


                                                                                 USAF in Trinidad and Tobago


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                      Markings

    Usa 1                                                Usa until may 42 Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa on sea blue or black color


    British Colony of Trinidad and Tobago at War from 3 September 1939.

    Britain allowed the construction of Air Bases in Trinidad: Edinburgh Field and Waller Field (Carlsen Field) activated from 1 September 1941 to the end of the War.

  • Tunisia/Tunisie (4 Kits)



                         Flag                                                                                                                                                            Markings

    Tunisie drapeau de la tunisie francaise 1881 1956                                           Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2  France 6  France 4  France 2


                                                                             Tunisia under German Occupation


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                        Markings

    Allemagne                                                                   Allemagne 1  Allemagne 5  Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6


                                                                              Tunisia under Italian Occupation


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                            Italie 5 Italie 3   Italy 3   Italy 5


                                                                                         Allied in Tunisia

                                           Flags                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Usa 1  Royaume unis        Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7     Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa torch 1943  Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943                    


    Tunisia at War since 3 September 1939

    Tunisia invaded by Germany and Italian on 9 November 1942 until 8 May 1943

    Tunisia reached by Allied (USA, UK, New Zealand and Indian) on 13 November 1942 in the North and February 1943 in the South


  • Turkey/Turquie (1 Kit)



                             Flag                                                Flag                                                                      Markings

                         Turkey                                    Hatay Republic

    Turquie 2       Syrie republique du hatay 1937 1939 1                         Turquie 1       Turquie 2


    Turkey remained neutral for most of Second World War

    The Territory of Hatay was formally attached to Turkey on 23 July 1939

    Turkey at War since 23 February 1945

  • Uganda/Uganda

                                                                                         Protectorate of Uganda


                           Flag                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Ouganda protectorate of                                          Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 8 Raf 5 Raf 7


    Protectorate of Uganda at War vrom 3 September 1939

  • United Kingdom/Royaume Uni (63 Kits)

                                                                                                   United Kingdom

                                                    Flags                                                                                                                 Markings

    Angleterre       Raf flag            Raf 2  Raf 3  Raf 4  Raf 8  Raf 6  Raf 17  Raf 16  Raf 5

                                                                                                                                        Raf 7  Raf 9  Raf 1 Raf 15 Raf 10  Raf 12   

                                                                                                                                                     Raf 11     Raf 14


                                                                                     Foreign Air Forces in the RAF


    Drapeau fafl 1   Pologne 3   Pays bas   Australie  Nouvelle zelande  Canada 1921 1957  Tchecosovaquie  Belgique  Norvege dr 1  Grece 2  Yougoslavie war flag


    United Kingdom at War since 3 September 1939

    To note : Foreign countries operating in the RAF during the Second World War : Free French, Poland, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Norway, Greece, Yugoslavia

  • United States Virgin Islands

                                                                                                                       United States Virgin Islands


                                                     Flags                                                                                                                                                                     Markings

    Vierge united states virgin island   Usa 1                          Usa until may 42 Usa june 43 to august 43 pacific Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943


    United States Virgin Islands at War from 7 December 1941

  • Uruguay/Uruguay (2 Kits)


                          Flag                                                                                                                             Marking

    Uruguay 2                                                                                         Uruguay 2


    Uruguay at War since 15 February 1945

  • USA/Etats-Unis (70 Kits)

                                                                                                   United States of America


                       Flag                                Neutrality Patrol 1939-41                                                                                                                    Markings

    Usa 1               Usa 1939 1941 neutrality patrol                                                     Usa until may 42  Usa may 42 to june 43  Usa 1942 3 Usa 1942  Usa torch 1943  

                                                                                                                                                                         Usa june 43 to august 43  Us cocarde june august 1943  Usa modif 2

                                                                                                                                                                                            Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


                                                                                         United States of America Civil Air Patrol


                       Flag                                                                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Usa 1                                                                                                                                                     Usa civil air patrol          


                                                                                      RCAF under the United States of America


                                                  Flags                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Canada 1921 1957  Canada rcaf 1936 1941                                                           Raf 2 Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 7 Raf 5



                                                                                              Foreign countries in USAF


    Drapeau fafl 1   Bresil 1   Mexique 1   Yougoslavie war flag     


    USA at War since 7 December 1941

    United States of America Civil Air Patrol : The Civil Air Patrol is a civilian auxiliary of the US Air Force since 1st December 1941

    Royal Canadian Air Force reinforced the USA air defense on Alaska coast and Aleutians from June 1942 to November 1943

    To note : Foreign countries operating under the USAF command during the Second World War: Free France, Brazil, Mexico, Free Yougoslavia



  • USSR/URSS (32 Kits)

                                                                                                         Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


                         Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Urss                                                                                                                Urrs 1 Urss 7 Urss 2 Urss 6 Urss 4Urss 5



                                                                                                                    Germany in USSR


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                                                             Allemagne 5  Allemagne 1   Allemagne 6  Allemagne 4




                                                                                                                 Great Britain in USSR


                           Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                   Markings

    Angleterre                                                                                                                         Raf 3  Raf 2  Raf 7  Raf 5


                                                                                                                France in Soviet Army


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                                                Markings

    Drapeau fafl 1                                                                                                                                          Urss 2  Mongolie 3    Franve 1

                                                                                                              Poland in Soviet Army


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Pologne 4   Pologne 5                                                                           Urss 2  Mongolie 3   Pologne 1


                                                                                                     Czechoslovakia in Soviet Army


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                                             Markings

    Tchecosovaquie                                                                                                                                         Urss 2  Mongolie 3  Czech roundel


                                                                                                              USAAF in USSR


                          Flag                                                                                                                                                                                              Marking

    Usa 1                                                                                                                                                     Usa since august 1943


    USSR were the main suppliers of military aid to the Republicans during Spanish Civil War (18 July 1936 - 1 April 1939)

    USSR participated at the Battles of Khalkin-Gol (May to August 1939)

    USSR at War since 17 September 1939 (Invasion of Poland)

    Germany invaded USSR from June 1941 to August 1944

    Countries that more or less participated in the attack on the USSR :                   

                                                                                                                                               - Italy                                   Italie fasciste

                                                                                                                                              - Romania                          Roumanie        

                                                                                                                                              - Hungary                          Hongrie 1940 1946

                                                                                                                                              - Finland                            Finlande 1

                                                                                                                                             - Slovakia                           Slovaquie 3

                                                                                                                                             - Croatia                             Croatie

                                                                                                                                             - Espana (Div. Azul)        Espagne nationaliste 4

                                                                                                                                             - France (LVF)                   Drapeau francais vichy 2


    Great Britain send in the north of USSR two squadrons (81 and 134) of Hawker Hurricanes from 29 July to 6 December 1941 (Operation Benedict)

    France send to USSR french pilots to form G.C.3 "Normandy" then "Normandy-Niemen" from 28 November 1942 to 8 May 1945

    Polish People's Army fought on the eastern front under Soviet command from May 1943 to the end of the War

    The 1st Czechoslovak Independent Field Battalion under Soviet Army command from 15 July 1942 to the end of the War

    Soviets provided the Poltava Airfield field to the USAAF used by the Eighth and Fifteenth Air Forces 1944-1945



  • Venezuela/Vénézuela



                           Flag                                                                                                                        Marking

    Venezuela 1                                                                                     Venezuela 2    


    Venezuela at War since 15 February 1945

  • Wake Island/Ile de Wake



                                  Flag                                                                                                                           Marking

    Usa 1                                                                                                Usa until may 42


                                                                                               Japanese in Wake


                                                   Flags                                                                                                        Markings

    Japan flag12   Japon 2                                            Japon 1 Japon 5


    Wake island is an unorganized and unincorporated territory of the United States of America

    Wake at War since 7 December 1941

    Wake under Japanese Occupation from 8 December 1941 to 4 September 1945

  • Wallis-et-Futuna (France)



                     Flag                                                                                                                                         Markings

    Drapeau francais                                                                                               Franve 1  France 3    


                                                                               Wallis-et-Futuna (Vichy)


                     Flag                                                                                                                                        Markings

    France vichy 1                                                                              Franve 1  France 3  France vichy 2


                                                                        Wallis-et-Futuna (Free France)


                    Flag                                                                                                                                         Markings     

    Drapeau fafl 1                                                               Franve 1  France 3  France 6 France 4 France 2


                                                                           USAF in Wallis-et-Futuna


                           Flag                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Usa 1                                                        Usa may 42 to june 43 Usa june 43 to august 43 Usa since august 1943 Usa on sea blue or black color


    Wallis-et-Futuna at War since 3 September 1939

    Wallis-et-Futuna under France-Vichy rule from June 1940 to May 1942

    Wallis-et-Futuna joined Free France on May 1942

    Wallis-et-Futuna allowed the presence of US Air Force on Wallis from May 1942 to end of the War


  • Yemen/Yémen



                            Flag                                                                                                                           Marking

    Yemen 1                                                                                        Yemen 2


    Yemen remained Neutral throughout the War

  • Yugoslavia/Yougoslavie (5 Kits)



                                                    Flags                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Yougoslavie 4      Yougoslavie war flag                                                                                        Yougoslavie 19301941   



                                                                                             Yugoslav Government-in-exil in Great Britain


                                                    Flags                                                                                                                                                          Markings

    Yougoslavie war flag  Royaume unis                                                       Raf 3 Raf 4 Raf 5 Raf 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yougoslavie raf Yougoslavie 2 Yougoslavie 5                                                                                                                     



                                                                                                 Yugoslavia under German Occupation


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                                 Markings

    Allemagne                                                                                                       Allemagne 1 Allemagne 5 Allemagne 4  Allemagne 6



                                                                                                Yugoslavia under Italian Occupation


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                               Markings

    Italie fasciste                                                                                                          Italie 3  Italie 5  Italy 3  Italy 5



                                                                                          Yugoslavia under Hungarian Occupation


                              Flag                                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Hongrie 1940 1946                                                                                                Hongrie 3   Hongrie 3     Hongrie 4



                                                               Yugoslavia under Bulgarian Occupation (April 1941 to  September 1944)


                            Flag                                                                                                                                                                           Markings

    Bulgarie                                                                                                                                            Bulgarie 5


                                                                    Yugoslavia under Bulgarian Occupation (September 1944 to 1945)


                                Flag                                                                                                                                                                       Markings

    Bulgarie                                                                                                         Urss 3  Urss 5  Bulgarie 6 Bulgarie 7 


                                                                                                           USSR in Yugoslavia


                       Flag                                                                                                                                                                              Markings           

    Urss                                                                                                       Urss 2 Urss 3 Urss 4 Urss 5



    Yugoslavia at War since 6 April 1941

    Yugoslavia annexed by :   - Allemagne  Germany  

                                                     - Italie fasciste  Italia 

                                                     - Hongrie 1940 1946  Hungary 

                                                     - Bulgarie  Bulgaria 

                                                     - Albanie 2 1939 1943 albanian kingdom under italy  Albania (Italian Protectorate)


    Yugoslav Government-in-exil in great Britain from April 1941 to June 1945

    Royal Yougoslavia Air Force joined the RAF from April 1941 to June 1945

    Independent State of Croatia proclaimed on 10 April 1941 (Cf Croatia)

    Part of Yugoslavia annexed by Hungary from 11 April 1941 to 15 March 1944

    Part of Yugoslavia (Macedonia) occupied by Bulgaria from 19 April 1941

    Bulgaria with Soviet Union entered Yugoslavia in late September 1944

    USSR in Yugoslavia from September 1944 to 1945

    To note : Air battle, by "mistake", over the city of Nis between USA and USSR Air Forces the 7 November 1944


  • Yugoslavia Partisans/Partisans Yougoslaves (1 Kit)

                                                                               Yugoslavia Partisans


                         Flag                                                                                                                                    Marking

    Yougoslav partisans 1942 1945                                                                                                   Yougoslavie partisans


    Sisak Partisans Detachment formed on 22 June 1941

  • Yugoslavia/Yougoslavie (Provisional Gvt of Democratic Federal Yugoslavia)

                                                                     Democratic Federal Yugoslavia


                          Flag                                                                                                                          Marking

    Yougoslavie 1943 1946 democratic federal yugoslavia                                                                                     Yougoslavie 1


    Provisional Government of Democratic Federal Yugoslavia formed on 7 March 1945

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