Allied planes of June, 6, 1944 / Avions Alliés du 6 juin 1944 (12 Kits)

Flags of Nations of 6 June 1944 (D-Day)

Usa 1   Royaume unis   Drapeau fafl 1   Canada 1921 1957   Tchecosovaquie   Grece 2   Australie 1  Afrique du sud 3

Pays bas​        Norvege dr 1    Nouvelle zelande   Danemark       Pologne drapeau       Belgique      Luxembourg  

Air Forces of 6 June 1944

USAF                                                                                    RAF

Usa 1                                                        Royaume unis


Identification black and white stripes marking

Bandes debarquement 2      Bandes debarquement

To note : Countries operating in the RAF during the invasion of Normandy : Free French, Poland, Holland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Norway

To note : Countries operating in the USAF during the invasion of Normandy : Free French
