Marshall Islands/Iles Marshall

                                                                               Marshall Islands


                                      Flags                                                                                                                   Markings

Japan flag12  Japon 2                                               Japon 1  Japon 5


                                                           Marshall Islands under US Occupation


                       Flag                                                                                                                                  Markings

Usa 1                                                                 Usa since august 1943  Usa on sea blue or black color


Marshall Islands: 30 atolls (1100 Islands). Main islands are: Eniwetok, Kwajalein, Bikini, Majuro.

Marshall Islands under Japanese Mandat until 23 February 1944

Marshall Islands at War from 7 December 1941

Marshall Islands under USA Occupation from 23 February 1944 until the end of the War

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