Syria (Under French Mandate)/Syrie (Sous Mandat Français) (2 Kits)



                                                               Flags                                                                                                                      Markings

           Syria                               Druzes           Latakia             Hatay

Syrie    Syrie etat des druzes 1921 1936 2  Syrie etat alaouite puis sandjak de lattaquie 1925 1937 2  Syrie republique du hatay 1937 1939 1           Franve 1  France 3  Levant  France vichy 2  France marking  France 4  France 6


                                                                                                    Fliegerfürher Irak


                        Flag                                                                                                                                                             Markings

Irak 1                                                                                                           Irak 2   Irak 3



The Territory of Hatay was under French Mandat until 23 July 1939 (Then has been ceded to Turkey)

Syria at war since 3 September 1939

French (Vichy) allowed the transit of airplanes (German and Italian) of Fliegerführer Irak via airbases in Syria (6-29 May 1941)

Free French Airforce (FAFL) in Syria since June 1941
